Schützenpanzer ACV Puma prototype - Trialed by Norway in the 1990's!


TYPE: Infantry Fighting Vehicle


  • 1x 35mm MK Rh.503 Cannon

  • 1x 7.62mm FN MAG Coaxial machine gun

TECHNICAL DATA (Weight class 3)
Weight Chassy: 21 Tons
Max Weight Combat ready: 38 Tons
Payload: 17 Tons
Height: 2.50 Meter
Length: 5.80 Meter
Width: 3.25 Meter
Engine: 750 hp MAN diesel engine
Power-to-weight: Ca. 17.6 - 24.4 hp/t
Max speed: 65 km/h
Crew: 3



Norway operated for many years the self built “Modified” NM135 Infantry Fighting Vehicles, these started to show their age in the late 1980’s and already then Norway started to search for an vehicle to replace these with, as it were important to have vehicles up to date and the NM135 would in a short time become obsolete. After Norway had sorted out an selection of contenders, those vehicles were prepared for a large Trial in Norway wich were to be held in two rounds, the first in 1991-1992 wich mostly were to train the Norwegian crew and testing at Trandum Camp in Norway, and the vehicles used here were the German Schützenpanzer ACV Puma prototype, the British FV501 Warrior, the Swedish CV90 and the Spanish ASCOD. This first part of the trial lasted a couple months.

The second and more important trial took place in 1992-1993, and because the crew’s were trained on the vehicles, the proper trials could begin. This time at Hjerkinn shooting range. As Norway’s climate can be quite harsh at times, and with small roads and difficult and steep terrain, often with several meters of snow, the mobility of the vehicles, especially their ability to drive in and trough snow, most of the testing were done in the snowy terrain of Hjerkinn Shooting Range in mid-Norway. They also had to be able to handle the very cold temperatures they would face here. The criteria of the trials were as follow;

-Crossing 80 Meters of swamp
-Firing (Accuracy)
-Firing at -15,+15,+30,+45 degrees celsius
-Driving in Deep Snow round 1
-Driving in Deep snow round 2
-Slalom - This is a skiing style, basically means zigzag
-Circuit, 1.5 m snow, round 1
-Circuit, 1.5 m snow, round 2
-Circuit, 6-7 km long, medium terrain
-Circuit, 4 km long, rough terrain
-Slope, 1 m snow, round 1
-Slope, 1 m snow, round 2
-Slope, 1 m snow, round 3
-0.8 m Step
-15% Slope, ice
-17.5% Slope, ice
-Fording River, 1 m deep, 10m wide
-Fording River, 1.7 m deep, 10m wide
-Cold start, -20 degrees Celsius
-370 km drive
-Track change

The clear winner of this trial, were the Swedish cv90 with the German Schützenpanzer ACV Puma prototype in the 2nd place, those had the best performance overall, with the cv90 almost being supreme, as it could both handle cold temperatures really well and being light enough to have very good mobility. For example the cv90 could drive in circles around the M2A2 Bradley, wich got stuck in the snow as you can see in the video i attached below.

This specific suggestion is for the German Schützenpanzer ACV Puma prototype vehicle, this was an infantry fighting vehicle that was designed and privately built by the German Thyssen-Henschel defence contractor and was primarely intended for NATO countires. The vehicle would have been produced by a newly established Thyssen-Henschel facility in Canada. This vehicle is equipped with an stabilized 25mm cannon with a turret intended two crew members, and a 7.62mm coaxial machinegun plus an 12.7mm machinegun.

The armor is of STANAG 4569 level 4 demands, and is protected all around from anti tank rifles up ti 14mm caliber. It also has filtration system for toxic gases and radiation, as well as radiation detectors. Its a lesser known vehicle with very little to no information about its fate.

Sadly, i don’t have close up images of the Puma and Bradley, but they can bee seen in this photo

Group photo of the vehicles from the trial!!

This could be quite an interesting contendant for a battle pass or event vehicle, maybe even as an researchable vehicle!, It is an very interesting Prototype from Germany, but it should be self saying that it will be added to its respective country (Germany) before being added to any other nation such as Norway!



-In this video you will clearly see the stuggle the M2A2 Bradley had in the snow!



Book: Motoriserte Militærkjøretøy i Norge
Copyright 2005 by Forsvarsmuseet/HMK All rights reserved
Billedbehandling/Grafisk produksjon: Mikro Marketing, Asker
Press: Gan Grafisk, Oslo
Motoriserte Militærkjøretøy i Norge Bind 1
ISBN 82-91218-43-9
The book is printed in 3,000 copies, 100 of which are leatherbound
front cover/back cover: The wheel rider squadron at Trandum 1953
Defense publications No. 3 Oslo 2005

Stormpanservogn CV9030N (CV90 in Norwegian Service) - Tank Encyclopedia
VCI/C Pizarro Fase I (Vehículo de Combate de Infantería/Caballería Pizarro Fase I) - Tank Encyclopedia

VIDEO - Rare footage of the trial


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Its the “heavy” config ACV Puma (note the 6 wheels) variant. Turret could be from Marder 2 though.

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Awesome, thank you :)
The turret could be from an Marder, at first i thought it was a Marder, ike this Marder 2 Infantry Fighting Vehicle prototype has some differences tough