San Giorgio Class, Destroyer, San Marco D563

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1) Destroyer San Marco D 563
MM San Marco D563

After the end of the Second World War, Italy was struggling with the reconstruction of its Armed Forces, due to its geographical position in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, especially the Navy represented (and represents) a strategic component. So they tried to use all the options available to speed up the times, one of these was the modernization of two light cruisers (Capitani Romani Class) of the Second World War, the “Pompeo Magno” and the “Giulio Germanico”. Thus a new Class of destroyers was born, the “San Giorgio” composed of the “San Giorgio D562” and “San Marco D563”. The “San Marco” was the modernization of the “Giulio Germanico”, the works began in 1953 and ended in 1955, in January 1956 the “San Marco” entered service with the pennant number D563. Reconstruction work saw the removal of the eight 135/45mm guns and replaced with six 127/38mm guns in three twin turrets, one forward and two aft, a triple Menon Lanciabas was added in place of the second bow turret, while the anti-aircraft armament saw the removal of the eight Breda 37/54mm guns and the eight 20/65mm machine guns, replaced by twenty Bofors 40/56mm guns in four quadruple mounts and two twin mounts. Two depth charge discharge rails and four depth charge projectors were also added. The following electronic systems were added, a SG-6B navigation RADAR, an AN/SPS-6 air surveillance RADAR, an AN/SQS-11 Sonar, a US Mk 37 Fire Control Center with dedicated Mk 25 RADAR. The only one to remain unchanged was the propulsion system which included four Thornycroft Boilers and four Parsons geared steam turbines, all for a power of 110,000 hp and a maximum speed of 39 knots (72 km/h) which at the time made this unit the fastest of the Italian Navy. The “San Marco D563” actively participated in various exercises and maneuvers of the Italian and NATO naval forces, in May 1970 it was decommissioned in 1971 it was decommissioned and then scrapped.



Crew: Officers, Second Chiefs, Sergeants and Seamen: 314

Displacement Full load: 5690 tons

Length: 142,20m
Width: 14,40m
Full Load Draft: 5,10m

Engine System:
4 Thornycroft boilers
4 Parsons geared steam turbines
2 Shafts
2 Propellers

Power: 110000 hp / 82000 kW

Speed: 39 knots (72 km/h)

Autonomy: 4000 NM (7400 km) at 16 knots (30 km/h)

6 x 127/38mm (3 twin systems)
16 x Bofors 40/56mm (4 quadruple systems)
4 x Bofors 40/56mm (2 twin systems)
1 x Menon triple ASW anti-submarine mortar (Lanciabas)
2 x Depth charge tracks
4 x Depth charge projectors

Electronic equipments:
1 x SG-6B navigation RADAR
1 x AN/SPS-6 air surveillance RADAR
1 x AN/SQS-11 Sonar
1 x Mk 25 Fire control system RADAR
1 x Mk 37 Gun fire control system Director



2) Destroyer San Marco D 563
3) Destroyer San Marco D 563
4) Destroyer San Marco D 563
5) Destroyer San Marco D 563
6) Destroyer San Marco D 563


San Giorgio class Destroyer Italian Navy Marina Militare
SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM: I cacciatorpediniere classe San Giorgio, ottenuti dalla ricostruzione di due precedenti incrociatori leggeri della Classe Capitani Romani della Regia Marina
Marina Militare - Italian Navy Cold War
Book: Naval Institute Press: Conway’s all the world’s fighting ships, 1947-1995 - R. Gardiner, S. Chumbley, P. Budzbon

+1 this destroyer should have a high priority in development, I don’t understand why we are still missing it.

A +1 from me, with the French Guichen in the game, I see no reason why Italy shouldn’t get their own Post-War Romani class!

Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.

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