Same username steam and gaijin accounts

So. After a post I’ve seen on Reddit, I had a question. What happens if someone who uses a gaijin account logs in with steam with both accounts having the same username? Does Gaijin track which one is steam and which is gaijin? Or would they get messed up somehow? the original post I saw

Simply wow,

If this is really a bug I suggest you going directly to the Community BRS rather than coming on the Forums, seems to be a critical thing, even considering you can’t do much logged in but people can still mess up with Golden Eagles and Silver Lions.

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How do I do that?

I’d not quite trust reddit as a true source of information, and reporting it third hand isn’t something that would be good to do.

If you hit login with steam, then you’d end up in any account made on your steam profile, so the guy that postedd this could be lying for karma, and messing with players who would be concerned about it happening, causing spam to the bug reports.


But I’d only really do it if you are the one logging in with the other account.


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I’m going to attempt to replicate it, will update later with what I find. I’m just asking whether anyone already has the answer

Can’t attempt to replicate, steam requires me to play on steam before logging in, and I don’t have the storage space to install the game again… If someone else discovers something please share it here…

I often use the steam installed version of the game, I just run the launcher in the folder to fire up the gaijin luncher and then log in as usual.

I just don’t use the steam version to launch because it sits blank, on a loading screen for ages without actually doing things at times if the servers are slow… The normal version actually puts up messages saying what it’s doing and where it’s at.

HAHAHAHA I reported the post for karma farming and posting false info about accessing accounts without passwords and the mods removed it in 5 minutes. Yeah. Closing this entire chain

Amazing what people on Reddit will do for karma, attention, and validation. It’s like there’s two competitions running simultaneously. Who can get the most points for posting a completely fictitious story that only the dullest, most gullible people will believe (which sadly get promoted to the front page daily). And who can be the most outraged for karma in the comments without knowing all of the facts, or whether they’re freaking out about something based in reality.

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I have two accounts, and they both have the same name and i can have them both logged in at the same time. There are many people who have two accounts with the same name that show up. Anyone who has had their accounts separated from a console account have two accounts. Each account is a stand alone account and is identified by other info than just a name. The forum has my xbox account with the same name with numbers, but if i log into WT from my xbox it just says Ravanos, and i can log into the PC and it will say Ravanos and i can be in the same lobby. This account will have a PC icon next to it and the other account will have the controller next to it.