Sa'ar lost CCIP using a manual of the Original Aircraft

This makes no sense. The Sa’ar lost CCIP because gaijin used the manual of the original, pre-upgrade aircraft.

That’s like using the F-16A manual to say that the F-16C has no AIM-120s


I’m going to lose it I swear, first the Netz and now this…

Edit: upon further analysis, someone know who’s highly knowledgeable on this subject came to the same conclusion. This was indeed a big and it was corrected. Had the developer who found this information paid more attention, they would have also realized this aircraft is missing certain types of bombs and rockets, as well as the Aim-9B/E and surprisingly, Aim-9D missile which it was compatible with. Hope to see some of these weaponry options added to make up for the loss of CCIP.


They use the same Beaudoiun Type 100 sight that the Mystere IVA has.

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