SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

I wirite ITS not possible to GIVEN T/W ratio for Grippen to do sustain 20deg/s. So read with understanding.

With these sustain numbers Grippen suppose to have mutch greater T/W

On min fuel the gripen still rates better than the F-16A if both hold their pitch up keys on mouse aim even after the nerf so I doubt the gripen is underperforming in turn at all.

dude… i hope you are not graduated… seriously you are taking as a reference wikipedia’s basic aerodynamic forces diagram. that one is true in an horizontal flight configuration with no acceleration and no change in altitude, Lift = Weight and Thrust = Drag… in a sustained turn the forces are directed in different directions than the standard flight and you need to take into account the “components” of the vectors not the vector itself… i think an engineer would know that
standard flight (wikipedia)
sustained turn

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ok, can you prove how gripen can’t do a 20°/s STR?

are you sure you are an engineer? (2nd time same question no answer…just bragging) if T/W ratio is that important then why are aerobatic gliders able to do high G sustained rates? they have a TWR of 0… pls at least do not take titles you do not own, you are not even elaborating your claims and you are confusing aerodynamics with flight mechanics… honestly is a sad show…

I’m really not discussing with you… You can’t even understand diagrams what you post. While you can a think little about what you post you will notice that T/W it’s essential for every flying body.

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Yea gliders are perpetum mobile XD. I’m done with you…

dude in the formula i sent, there is no thrust and a glider doesn’t have thrust… stop trolling or making yourself a clown…

Cause for example of EM diagrams like F-16,F-18,M2000 these planes have both better T/W and Wing load can’t reach similar performance

you are not even elaborating, just insulting and bragging you are such a delusional and sad being you take for yourself titles you clearly do not own (no proof given and 0 understanding in aerodynamics and flight dynamics); too bad for you, your “i will call myself an engineer to win an argument” won’t work this time

Growling Sidewinder fan detected lmao, thinks TWR is everything

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Yea so when glider stop making sustain turn with your logic suppose to climb to invite XD. You guy are a joke

F16 and F18 with better wing load of gripen. ok i think i know more than you, and i’m not an “engineer”

you are even more a clown if you seriously think all gen 4 fighters have similar performances when they are FAR different in aerodynamics, the same aerodynamic you bragged about before. Wing loading? do you even know how to calculate wing loading ._.

i will give you a bail out option… tell me the wing loading of the planes you stated

Lower wing load? Speak about arguments not nitpicking

you have never been in an engineering class nor fluid dynamics let alone flight mechanics, pls stop you are embarrassing yourself so badly i feel bad for you

instead of avoiding my comments or answering like a kid that was found guilty of inventing bullshit, try to answer with formulas and explanations, not random words and random matters when clearly we are talking about FLIGHT MECHANICS not AERODYNAMICS. what you are saying is the same as talking about engines performances thinking that’s informatics because they have electric valves for the intakes…

I told you I’m done with you. Go read some books

i actually read and study books, you didn’t even start talking with me; you just run away from the argument because you don’t even understand basic topics for an aerospace engineer.