SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

ahhh right, didnt know about the activeskyflash, probably would have had pretty crap range tho for an AHR missile

SuperTEMP with an active seeker and some small changes to the missile wouldn’t be too bad at all.

Definitely would make up from be on a Tornado if it was active

I have seen the claim that at least kinematically, it might have been superior to the first AMRAAM’s it certainly wouldn’t have been bad. Not sure about the seeker @MiG_23M perhaps you know more on the seeker.

That’s nice to hear, I’ll start playing again once those thrust changes are live then I guess :)

I thought F16 was also in the same boat as Gripen where they wouldn’t make it unstable due to bricking mouse-aim (which would give more AOA?), is it over performing in AOA anyways?

Yeah feels more like a brick than it should be :/

Tornado’s with the AMRAAM and maybe the SuperTemp upgrades could’ve used it. When we get the upgraded tornado ADV it would be nice if they received stock or tier 1 ActiveSkyflash’s.

could the base f3 not just use amraam? not looking forwards to grinding another tornado so imma just hope the gripen gets them

They had already said they don’t plan to add AMRAAMS to the tornado we already have

No it was upgraded to use AMRAAM’s/ActiveSKYFLASH later on. Gripen hopefully will get them if not there’s an older south african missile which was integrated but never used, on Gripen.

Not sure whether they will add a new Tornado ADV or just do something with the old one.

I doubt they will give the south Africa one AMRAAMS we will probably get the Sea Harrier FA2

I agree but there’s the R-Darter prototype which was installed on Gripen for testing, also there could be the Marlin. I’m sure we will eventually get the SHar too its too iconic to miss although I likely won’t fly it.

I will fly it its glorious

VIFF’ing is too hard for me to do on a controller, as it needs near constant tweaking you can’t just set them to full like you can on swingwing’s.

It does look pretty awesome though.

It does

Certainly neither would have been on par with the AIM-120A

Fair enough, like the SKYFLASH it was intended as a cheaper alternative to the new American missiles.

All i know abot skyflash is itbhad a better seeker then the 7F

It was the first with an inverse monopulse seeker which was a big improvement over the previous seekers found on sparrows.

As for the kinematics I think it did improve those too but not to the level of AIM-7M.

Active SKYFLASH according to BAe had the same/similar seeker range but with a lower power output as AMRAAM, but kinematically it was worse than the AMRAAM.

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There’s an important mistake here. The text is

approx. 20 4eglsec

which is clearly a mis-scan of “approx. 20 deg/sec”. There is no “.4”, it’s approximately 20, with a single significant digit rather than three. That means it could be anywhere between 15 and 25, rather than somewhere between 20.35 and 20.45.

This also follows from common sense – the armed forces would certainly not reveal a classified number to within 0.1 degree/s, and the instantaneous is also given to one significant digit.

Well, 15 degrees would be an awful performance one would at least not expect and 25 is almost certainly impossible since not even the F-22 is believed to achieve those numbers with a MUCH higher TWR.

We can realistically only speculate but going of the fact that the F-16 and the Gripen seemed to perform rather similar in red flag events, with the Gripen ending up with less speed loss in same G turns, we can make the educated guess that the Gripen would indeed end up being slightly better in a turn against the F-16C. The F-15A however still wins at optimal speeds and only starts to lose below 400km/h.

That seems to be a good start for the Gripen FM.