SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

You mean less than or equal to 400m?

No. If the minimum take-off roll is 400 m, the plane can take off from runways greater or equal to 400 m.

Well, I see the wording that was intended. You could say that the runway you’d need is at least 400m long… but to say the design requirement was “no more than 400m” would imply less than or equal to 400m. Anyhoo, yes I agree.

Hm, will be hard to judge at what speed they actually take off though, they likely have a safe set speed where they begin to start pulling the nose up. Also I wonder if they go full afterburner, or if they go 1st/2nd stage AB, also unclear if they go full afterburner right away or If they engage it at a certain speed

The official SAAB broschure states a “minimum” takeoff distance of 400m and minimum landing distance of 500m.

So I guess you could say the requirement were indeed 400m or less.

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The landing distance in game feels like you need about 2 miles the brakes on the landing gear feel like they do nothing 😂

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Tbh I can’t wait for Gripen FM to settle down a bit, I’ve been holding off flying it since like day 1-2 of the update because I’ve been waiting for these changes to go through and it feels never-ending lol

I’ve flown 10 matches in it, it’s fun. Just fly around and turn CM’s on… shoot missiles at people who are side aspect.

Yeah, I like it’s radar, not the best range but all aspect TWS is nice. I only fly in sim
Btw I think I’ve fought you a few times in sim earlier this year? I recognise your name

I guess I just don’t enjoy flying something unfinished, knowing it’s going to change, I wanna fly it when it’s somewhat settled down.

Are the Skyflash the only radar missiles the gripen can take? They work but the short range is just disappointing for a 12.3 jet.

Yes for now, Sweden never used the SuperTEMP’s only DF Skyflash and its contentious if they even used those at best it was an unpublicised stop-gap measure until AMRAAM or ActiveSkyflash were available.

Yeah, It shouldn’t even have them iirc, the Gripen A may have arguably been able to use them but definitely not Gripen C because it didn’t have CW illuminator (thing that tracks those missiles)

I think they gave it Skyflashes just temporarily until we get our ARH missiles (fox3) in 1 or 2 updates.

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skyflashActive? whats that? also would they not be compatable with the SuperTemp anyway?

The “T” in TEMP stands for “Tornado”, it was a specific modification for that aircraft.
(Tornado Embodied Modification Package)

ahhh, i always thought the only difference was the motor? i know gaijin doesnt model monopulse seekers last time i checked

They model all seekers as a sort of be-all-end-all receiver with qualities from both… sort of. For fairness.

Its a Skyflash SuperTEMP with an active radar seeker. Basically a British AMRAAM as the original AMRAAM looked as if it was going to be expensive, but then it got so many orders that it ended up being cheaper due to economies of scale.

Could have been done, but Gripen was always planned to use AMRAAM or Active SKYFLASH, SuperTEMPS were definitely never integrated as the only reason Sweden used SKYFLASH was because they had huge stocks of them and no AMRAAM’s.

@MiG_23M Anyhow, after the engine thrust got fixed in your latest report, is there anything else to expect from you with the Gripen? I’m guessing the instability/increased AOA report is kind of on hold until they decide it doesn’t brick mouse aim too.

I’ve been on small break from War Thunder, only playing every couple days because a Friend wanted a wingman, would like to get back to It but I just want Gripen FM to be settled a bit first

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Btw, I just got order confirmation for the book, will be sent within 2 days

I haven’t stumbled upon any glaring issues that would drastically alter how it flies beyond what I’ve reported. What’s more interesting is that the devs seem totally unwilling to alter older FM’s which IMO… is them gearing towards leaving the F-16 FM as-is and we likewise could end up with a Gripen FM that is also incorrect for the foreseeable future.

What I mean by this is, the F-16 is currently overperforming in AoA due to the same reason Gaijin refuses to add a margin of instability to the Gripen. Due to this, the Gripen is underperforming in available AoA and instant turn rate.

Once the changes are in, I could take a look into the instant turn rate of the Gripen. It should be ~30 deg/s but they could just say this is a low-speed thing and keep it turning like a brick at higher speeds.

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