SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

or some pixel paint art

Modern European designs routinely outperform US and Russian vehicles. Challenger 2 routinely wins NATO competitions. Typhoon and Rafale often go toe-to-toe with anything the US has, only exception being in a BVR fight vs F-22s, but even then, its not an easy fight for the F-22, they have to work for it.

Gripen C entered service in 1996.
F-16C 1984
Su-27 1977

Is it insane to think that maybe the Gripen C outperforms them because its a more modern and capable aircraft than what other nations have and not because its modeled wrong and needs nerfing. Again. Europe can produce great vehicles. I know Americans and Russians forget that Europe exists sometimes and that anything we produce must be rubbish, but truth is. Our kit is almost always much better in year for year comparison. Just look at the Blue Vixen Radar on the Sea Harrier FA2 and compare it to an other radar in the world at the same time.


There is no point man. You’re just going to get copium back from him, using logic with the consistency of wet spaghetti.

Yeah, he goes out of his way to nerf every other nation except the one he plays. Guarantee hes not putting this much effort into nerfing the Su-27 or F-15

The opposite in fact

To emphasis though. if it is wrong with multiple valid soruces, then so be it. Submit a bug report. But the argument that:

“Gripen C cannot be superior to the F-16C, F-15, Su-27, etc… Because “reasons” (likely because its not US or Soviet) and therefore, its flight model in gmae must be wrong and must be nerfed to be inferior”

Without any evidence, is just BS.

We’ve already seen them nerfing the Gripen C for no apparent reason. Like the fact that SAS: Damping is being capped at 10G not 12G because apparently there is absolutely 0 reason to ever need to pull more than 9G, so 10G is a “compromise” amount.

Basically all of his reports of russian stuff is buffs. The nerfs are minor.
He’s done a few on US stuff, minor nerfs, some buffs/adjustments.

The Gripen in '96 was up against AESA radars and stealth fighters if you’re gonna go off what the US had in the pot. Cherry picking specific things for comparison doesn’t deny the fact that Europe is generally behind the US in most regards.

The only nation I don’t play is Britain, and I’ve had a lot of fun playing Sweden lately with the OP Gripen FM and infinite countermeasures.

a stealth fighter that entered service a decade later

Picking the top tier aircraft of other nation is cherry picking?

So lets just add the Rafale and Typhoon then if they are so bad.

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That’s what I’d like, add the Typhoon cuz it’s not significantly better than anything we have right now aside from ordnance.

Except we were talking about turn capabilities? Come on. Even someone with your reading comprehension levels can’t be this bad?

Good lord.

I just play war thunder, it’s why my bug reports usually are well sourced and produce change

Sweet. Sounds good to me.

it what way
Sorry we can’t afford to make a new aircraft every five seconds

The man is delusional
Welp i guess my EFT vs F15 i sure wonder which ones better

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All European tech is more advanced than US tech.

Meteor, Brimstone, ASRAAM, IRIS-T… Even radar tech, fairly certain the Captor-E outperforms anything the US has at the moment. Whilst we dont field our own 5th gen. We are developing a 6th Gen that is due to enter service before the US’s I think


F35B with a Rolls Royce but that just a small part

You should introspect

I’m also working on more Gripen reports