SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

That’s unfortunate it still feels like a UFO, hopefully it doesn’t stay that way. I don’t want to go back to a F-16 situation where people they were good with the plane or that the plane is the best dogfighter in the word just because it has a somewhat broken FM

The only “Batch 1” Gripen C is the Hungarian, it is modernized Gripen A. The very new (from the production line) Gripen C is that South African, Czech, Swedish and Thai.

İt has nothing to do about bein UFO and yet you’re asking even more nerf?

Is the update live? I’m on and it still says Im on version

Yes it is.

All adjustments has been applied to Gripen.

We frankly don’t know if it’s broken or not. It’s classified. There are some (sketchy) tiny amounts of data-points on its performance at various - but mostly unknown conditions.

At the end of the day it’s up to Gaijin to model it how they please. There aren’t enough sources to create its flight model. Which is part of why the mig23 guy got so much backlash because he was trying to draw conclusions to en entire flight envelope off of single datapoints by pretty much guesstimating the figures, and he clearly showed bias against the Gripen as he contradicted himself to make it look bad.


my god it can turn really good cause it modern
nah must be a UFO (it isn’t a UFO)

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Average Russian copium looks like.

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A plane that performs better on the vertical than an F14, Mig 29, F16C with such a small engine and can do tight loop at 15k meters without losing a lot of speed is a UFO, it could rate, 1c, 2c without losing energy or barely any

İt cant outrate any more due to new changes.

Also Gripen is aerodynamicly better then those planes, have you ever considered that? Ofc you didnt.

This only Russia and Usa can build proper jets myth is nothing but bs tbh.

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My brother have seen the size of F14 vs a Gripen small engine but small plane
The Gripen IRL is comparable to the F16 and is also newer


You don’t even have it. Your entire opinion is based of fighting it (where pilot skill is a factor) or test drive…

The Gripen is more modern than all of the planes you listed. Why is it so hard to believe that European nations can produce top level tech?

I didn’t consider that… well yes I did, I’m just talking in pure vertical… better or not it’s still a delta. The drag of the gripen is a joke… ans the way it used to keep energy was a complete joke (I played only one game with it right now with the new changes, it seems better now)
Anyway feels like everyone was whining about how they won’t be able to dogfight without connecting 1 brain cell…

Well, first of all the Gripen design originated from the 70s and first flew in 1988… It’s handheld by avionics and ordnance. The thing has a lot of inaccuracies to resolve still.

It’s not on par with similar era vehicles let alone modern ones.

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Because people like you keep asking for it to be nerfed without basis, because you think it couldn’t possibly be better than US or Russian jets.

That’s against the rules fyi.

It’s inspiring that you still feel brave enough to voice your opinion.


What are you on about the planes your comparing it to were made in the 70s it first flew doesn’t meant anything as in the years before it entered production it had changes

Welcome to European designed aircraft. I know, its crazy, but Europe tends to build better vehicles than either US or USSR. We just dont build thousands of them

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or 3 different ones at once

If you compare them to decades old US designs, sure.

Careful, the big man is going to draw upon his years and years of war thunder experience to explain to you why you’re wrong about top secret european fighter jets.

I really hope it’s just a kid.

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