Ok… did mig23 managed to find ONE, SINGLE ONE, proper source of his claims, not some stupid comparison to other jets or he already used all jets that are in service today? Last time before i went to bed, he was inventing lies about power loss due to engine instalation because HE thinks it should, without posting any source for his claims whatsoever.
Like, if gaijin takes these “bug” reports based on feel and absurdly unreliable sources seriously, we can go and start redrawing other jets EM charts to fit our narrative. Considering they are russian and gripen is currently whopping flakers ass in WT, i can see it taken seriously.
This games BIAS from the moment of that large scale accident in eastern europe is on another level.
(btw, there is video where hornet absolutely slaps thrust vectoring Su-30 multiple times in a row, guess its STR is better at low speed than thrust vectoring jet.)
No because they dont exist, in the two “Bug Reports” he has filed (both were acknowledged within minutes of them being posted btw) both are using completely incorrect information
Report #1Community Bug Reporting System
Report #2Community Bug Reporting System
This is practically a witch hunt at this point
If anything he’s doubling down, and becoming more speculative.
He doesn’t even understand what causes installation losses. He assumed the hornet would have lower ‘intake losses’, despite it being a larger airframe with two engines. Except that a larger, heavier airframe is also going to require more auxiliary power from the engines to keep hydraulics and other systems up. To just blanket assume the installation losses are worse in the Gripen without any sort of source is just lunacy.
Not devs. Tech mods acknowledge reports and pass them to dvelopers to look at. Devs can either action the report, by fixing, denying or requesting more info(tech mods also can do the last) or postopne doing anything with the report.
Still concerning though, we’ve definitely see devs action bug reports without actually properly checking the sources supplied to them. The new witch hunt is him saying the Gripen shouldn’t be able to exceed mach 1.4 with fuel+weapons.
Yea, sadly that is the work of tech mods. If report goes to devs they do what report is about. If it is not checked beforehand it is a problem to fix it later (im looking at you m735)
If you are talking about M41A1 report it is a joke in my opinion. Someone used M41 manuał to nerf the upgraded M41A1 turret rotation, and devs refuse to fix it.
and do we know devs reject sent reports by tech mods if sources are not enough or totally unrelated to the case like here? Because so far, it seems like they are on his side inventing with him. Rewriting charts and using unrelated articles to prove their agenda.
There can, but we do not know what they will do with what report. The best thing you can do when you do not agree with a report is pm a Tech mod to ask if said mod can check a report and to see if the sources there are vaild.
Honestly, this inventing shouldnt be even forwarded. Its based on personal views and “calculations” without any knowledge of the field as it was shown multiple times… he literally based his reports on I THINK it should be like that because i think here and this by comparing two absolutely unrelated planes or using charts made by companies never touching gripen. Only related thing is viggens performance and it was shown, it pretty much lined up with his testing ±1-2deg so he went to comparing other jets to fit his narrative.
Exactly, and that’s just a recent example.
If they can’t even correctly check translation errors, what chance have they got checking mig23m and his menagerie of ‘sources’.