39A is the sports gripen because it weighed about 500kg less. It didn’t have the refueling probe for in air nor did it have the expanded internal countermeasures that the C got.
Too bad reading is a bit difficult for him to understand given his meme made essentially no sense because it couldn’t even choose a specific model while also just making false claims lmao.
ah fair, I didn’t think of that. I know it was also a bit more “aggressive” in it’s handling due to the Flight controlls not being as limited so to say. 39C is a bit calmer in the handling so not as intense when pulling in to a high-G manouvre
I used to have it ill try to find it but i remember a book page which showed a pilot standing in front of a Gripen A in which it explains he preferred it the the early C model for flying because of the weight reduction.
39A had its weight increased at some point it seems, likely in correlation with upgrades. However I’ve seen Gripen pilots refer to the 39A as “Sport-Jas” as it was more manoeuvrable, and that it was ‘1 tonne lighter’. Even Max Villman who was the last group of Gripen pilots in the SWAF to fly in with the 39A before its retirement refer to it that way. It’s nearly impossible to find an actual source on it however since FMV and others updated it to 7000kg due to its upgrades. I recall finding one or two but that was over a year ago. I don’t expect it to change in this game, devs basically went the “very late 39A variant” route.
I don’t think weight reduction would be justified anyways if it keeps it’s upgrades in game like HMD, making it “late” variant when it actually was heavier so doesn’t matter.
IIRC both Max Villman and the Andre guy spoke about it
To be fair if gaijin cared about the TT they could change the name of the Gripen A to Late and add early model to the TT i guess at 12.3 (insert evil laugh)
The poster is very missleading, what costs are you refering to? all considered the F 35 is way more expensive. And the maintenance should be lower or equivalent to an F-18?
Well yeah the larger range of motion will be huge, and the fact that it will scan known targets outside of the area it is searching will be a big plus too. I do still think that the radar range should be correctly modeld and the map sizes increased, maybe add a new gamemode for EC ARB. The 39C we have now should have locking range of figthers between 120-160km.
I think it would be about the same noticed difference as flying with 100% fuel to about 55%-65%. Not game changing (in the Gripen at least) but noticable if you feel for it.
Its a cope post made by people with poor reading comprehension i mean are we even slightly suprised? Its likely the same people that think the Abrams is the best tank in the world and that Britain is living in the stone age because they don’t like the Chally.
It is a dumb joke with no point to make since it hasn’t taken any desing choise of the Gripen in to concideration.
The Gripen has a T/W lower than 1 but as you stated it has lower drag and wing loading negating that fact.
It carries less ordonance than the F-16 since it is smaller, yes.
Costs more than a F-35 no. maybe for a country looking to purchase up front because the F-35 bennefits from large scale manifacturing and iirc it is quite heavily subsidised from the US government (the US taxpayer pays for European bought F-35s lmao).
Less range becaus smaller = less fuel since it was built as a defencive platform, the 39E should have a longer combat radius though, bringing it up to the Rafale and EF2000.
More mantinance than a F-18? no idea where that came from. but if it actually is true then I can say that the maintanance of the Gripen is way easier as that was one of the core design philosofies of the platform. no other fighter jet can have it’s engine swapped on a road with 3 conscripts (I think it is) to remove two bolts and hoist the entire engine down and replace it within the hour.
Also never addressed the incredible turnaround time or dispersed opperations that the Gripen carries out. Finnish F-18 come close to what we have in Sweden but the Gripen is required to perfect the formula. Sure I know the Rafale and EF2000 can land on Highways but to be able to rearm and refuel in 10-20 minutes and be up and running again in a forrest is nothing they have shown themselves to be capable of.
Main issue with flight-models in-game right now is drag values, not particularly the STR. I doubt the 39 is actually 20% worse in STR like this new report suggests, I think the old conclusion with those sources was better regarding STR, but it’s likely over-performing a bit when it comes to drag at certain speeds. Squishface made a pretty good video about it on his channel sometime last year, I don’t agree with all the assessments but it’s a good watch, he debunks a bunch of sources that created a lot of misconceptions regarding it’s flight-performance which is good.
Unfortunately, often FM changes ruin planes in other ways so it just turns into a never ending circle, Until Gaijin figures out how to model drag properly, I think this gif basically sums up WT FM situation atm:
They need to figure out how to make Delta Canards work properly in their engine. but with the mess that is the code of spaghetti they have now I doubt that will happen.
Dagor engine struggles to do so many things, of course their will be a few bugs baked into it lol
I would really like for them to switch engine, just go with UE 5 or something alike, it would look fantastic i believe
Somewhat kinda cool aircraft imo. It’s good, but lacking in many aspects for my personal liking, and the A/C variants are more than likely overpreforming with its flight performance. It’s received nerf after nerf after its introduction for good reason, as gaijin added it in an absolutely busted state from the first dev server, and it has and only can go downhill from here regarding flight performance changes (except for new gameplay functions such as the cobra button, which if what I heard is true doesn’t impact the Gripen much at all surprisingly).
It’s still a high AOA monster and a relatively fast and nimble little monster, but it’s rate fight capabilities do seem to be overpreforming from a logical standpoint with fundamental knowledge of historical performance of Canard Delta designs and how they’ve preformed on other platforms.
Although I was mainly joking with that last message, I do indeed wish to inquire on the true dogfighting capabilities of the Gripen. Pilot testimonies are interesting but they aren’t exactly sources, especially in gaijin’s eyes, in mine however they are somewhat valid so I’ll take them into account going forward. The one thing I would like to mainly ask about is wouldn’t induced drag need to be taken into account? It’s a Delta/Canard design, so it would have higher induced drag than most, no? In a rate fight situation it would be more than plausible to expect it to preform poorly as most of these designs are known to do. The engine doesn’t help much with this issue, but the standard reduced drag does. The control surface canards ofc help with increasing AOA, but it would also cause more than normal speed bleed without its interference as well as more induced drag from pulling such AOA, no?
I’m no physicist, and I’m not the most well versed on aircraft’s low speed performance in dogfight situations such as in rate fights, but if what I understand about the Delta/Canard design is true, than perhaps the bug report is somewhat correct in the conclusion of it overpreforming in a rate fight. I always felt like the Gripen FM was a little bit jank ingame, it’s a 4th gen aircraft ofc and high performance is expected of it, but it still feels a bit strong for the design it makes use of.
As for the pilot testimonies would like to ask, are they making these remarks from experience? If so would it be from mock dogfights/simulated dogfights (digital or not), or from experience with flying other aircraft per chance (and if so which aircraft and their variant’s designation in particular)? That would ofc add more credibility to their claims for me.
That’s the whole point of the meme lmao, it’s mainly just a dumb meme I keep getting seen thrown around in every discord server I stumble across for the sole purpose of angering Gripen fans lmao. The fact it takes all the poor qualities of each variant is on purpose if I had to guess lol.
You can add whatever edit you suggest but suggesting again that only the Gripen is the only delta Euro canard to be overperforming is you being ignorant. As i stated before its a problem with the engine itself. Its why stuff like the MLD and F14 over perform in AOA a lot of the time. Unique physics stuff tends to be insanely UFO esq since the game wasn’t intended to reach these new designs. Additionally the Gripen still has nerfs that were added for balance rather than historical accuracy but you conveniently left those out while still suggesting to nerf it. Im just saying if you’re going to go out of your way to be biased and only suggest a nerf to this aircraft at least be smart enough to suggest similar nerfs to other overperforming aircraft with similar broken designs.
The AOA on the gripen is gaijin not bothering to do any research again go figure as Necronomica and other have already bug reported the Gripen should be able to pull as hard as it wants in an attempt to get nose on target. What should happen is when reaching these insanely low speeds all euro canard vehicles should become unstable yet in game they dont. This would be a good balance to them having this AOA advantage at low speed. But of the vehicles with AOA limiters the J35’s still cant pull cobras lmao and the Gripen gets like 3° more because its a last minute addition.