yes with a additional 1.5g that brings it up to 13.5g max iirc
I also get 14.8 deg per second at 4800 meters on 1445kg fuel + 29Ls.
Makes me curious about the graph MiG_23M posted here.
Indeed, we’ve had this discussion somewhere else, but the long and short is in normal flight the pilot can input a maximum of 9Gs, and can “override” to get 12Gs.
sounds like M2000C, must be the same plane :D
Wing position and such isn’t so important, what we know is that both have similar leading edge sweep… are unstable… and use the canard or strakes to stabilize airflow over the wing at higher AoA. The difference is that the Gripen is unstable when the canards are providing lift. The mirage 2000 is unstable pretty much all the time. The stability margin can be questioned, but the Gripen has significantly lower T/W and a higher wing loading. It doesn’t make sense even from an amateur standpoint and base of knowledge on the subject.
Will have to take your word for it, as i haven’t tested it myself. I’m going off experience playing it live
Wing position affects centre of lift…how can you say it does not matter?
Nah trust it doesnt matter because i think it doesnt (it suits my point really well if i just void it)
You didn’t really answer my question - I’m not expecting you to be an expert, I’m mainly asking for credentials because it’s important to know if you are “eyeballing” these conclusions or if you actually know what you are talking about. I’d love to learn, but I’m not about to go down an aerodynamics rabbit hole tonight for nothing.
A lot of these conclusions are also comparing 2 entirely different airframes?
If you wanna compare the Gripen to a similar airframe you have the Lavi
By that point, its what, second or third plane hes comparing it to? First one just happens to be somewhat correct after applying 1,45 to it. So hes trying to find different one. We went from graphs made by company and nation not even touching gripen, to comparing it to viggen and now somehow, mirage.
I play war thunder
Dont worry by the end of this i expect we will have compared gripen to Tornado and Harrier because theyre all jet aircraft
holy cow i hope that’s satire for christ sake
Its not really similar.
Was there such a rumble when J-7E came into the game? Cuz gripen is pretty much new J-7E of top tier.
There was a bit of one with the PL-5Bs but uh not to this extent. But hey, more modern jets, that more of us have grown up with and seen. Was always likely to be this way. And that I don’t have a problem with, shared passion it is.
Gripen airframe is really not that close to Mirage2000. If we are going to eyeball it that hard I can say that the Gripen’s wing and top of the fuselage look similar to the F-16 and am not surprised it can rate despite being a “delta.”
Speaking seriously, F-5 vs MiG-21 is basically a case study on TWR meaning jack for rate fights if there is a large enough gap in weight and aerodynamics. Even Soviet engineers IRL were flabbergasted when they got their hands on an F-5 and it completely clapped both the fishbeds and the floggers in tests, despite its pathetic thrust.
Gripen behaves similarly in-game to the F-5 in that regard. Hard data for all these later gen.4 aircraft is so unreliable that we’ll have to settle for the Gripen being more or less accurate as a high performance rat plane, like the F-5.
It’s simple they both unstable. So centre of gravity is behind centre of lift. You don’t get more sustained deg/s by move centre of gravity more and more ahead of centre lift.
My source is I’m an professional amateur
Inflates G-Trousers