SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

That was the soft problem, that was fixed with soft part of 2. IIRC the part of the soft that was comparing last position of the target to the current one was sometimes creating ghosts in the soft, resaulting in the missile going for that ghost.

So there was no IOG added to any of the Mavericks?

Not that i know of.


So, why can’t the Gripen carry any radar missiles on the wing tips? Was thinking about starting the Swedish aviation grind with the draken on sale, but I think the recent fm nerfs, along with this tiny detail might ruin my interest.

Sweden air tree isnt worth it lmao. Also the reason they dont carry radar on the wing tips is because the wing tips normally have other important sensors there. If you do plan on playing the tree there is like 5 decent vehicles that are fun to play.

If you have specific questions about the J35 and my actual opinion as i bought it just recently to see how it feels i can tell you. Or if you have any actual questions about any swedish air vehicles just DM me. Mainly cause talking about them is off topic to the post.

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Half educated “guesstimation”:
I think its because they are to heavy and require to much data to be transferred from cpu to wingtip (requiring larger interface and more cables drawn). had they been mounted there the g-forces would probably tear the wings of.

In Saab’s brochure says, that wingtip pylons has a weight limit in 110 kg.

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Oof, rip gripen players than

Not RIP, but in GRB it’s certainly a big con vs F-16, which can carry aim-120+AGM-65+GBU.

Gripen E should alleviate that, the gripen is a light fighter anyways so its not an f18 or f15. Besides finland will get the F18/A-C/D and the MLU 2 version

I do hope they add the british flight school camo for the SAAF gripen. Its not to bad and an unlockable skin should be available for every jet they add. Besides it would fit the british tree anyways