SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

I have a Su-30 model of fairly good quality, I can conduct a simulation

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You guys are all arguing over a language barrier… I think InterFleet was just exaggerating numbers rather than looking up the correct ones.

Its not an exaggeration. RCS is comically large from the sides as you saw above. 20-30 dBsm from the sides isn’t a joke. AT certain frequencies I’ve seen spikes up to 40dBsm at certain frequencies and just low RCS from things you’d expect huge. You really can’t say much of RCS without mentioning wavelength or polarization used, but you can talk with order of magnitude with decibels.

Yes, but InterFleet is very knowledgeable on this. I don’t think he was quoting actual numbers for the Su-27. It was just a generic example.

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Never, or maybe next update for export grips

Yeah, would be good. Allow a little CAS whilst maintaining at least a half decent multi-role loadout. One thing im always a little disapointed by the Gripen. its really good in A2A or CAS but kinda sucks at doing both at the same time.

Im just hoping they change the Gripen C cockpit, its in english on the swedish gripen (literally copy pasted they cpuodnt even bother to make it correct lmao). If gaijin really cared about fixing the gripen C it would have MAWs and its voice warning system. Also 5th pylon

Yeah… A lot of aircraft need a LOT of TLC.

As much as I would love something like the BAE Hawk next update. Id be just as happy with them just spending the next major finishing all the British aircraft added in the past 18 months. Like the Gripen and it would be more than just Britain that would benefit from it. Its getting stupid just how unfinished some of these aircraft actually are and some of it isnt even big stuff. Took 20 months just for the Harrier Gr7 to get its 540 bombs on all pylons.

Yeah Sea Harrier FRS1 and FA2 both still ahve the Harrier Gr3 HUD with no symbology for radar contacts at all.

They still havent fixed some spelling errors in the JAS39A cockpit or added agm 65G’s to the gripen C, of course theyd not bother adding it on launch guess itll be here sometime next year or so. The war label is Kreig from german, not swedish for Krig

Yep. Its a real shame. Im glad they keep up a consistant pace of new content, but I think they’ve clearly got a bit of a backlog that they could do with spending a major update clearing. Maybe they shouldnt add any new vehicles in September, focus it on bug fixes and improvments then do the same small update in October

Pls for the love of god fix hull aim, and the depression on them they are so annoying to deal with for the strv 103. Id like to see some placeholder cockpits from WW2 planes get their historical ones added.

Yeah. id love something like a CCRP overhaul. Finally repalce the god-aweful system we have currently.

True that

Been having fun with the Darters, 16km ish seems to be the maximum distance to launch it with a decent chance to hit. Wish there were more fights like this.

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I just made a report on the missing pylon integrated flares if @Gunjob would be so kind to take a look
here. :)

image 6 you can see them mounted on the OUTER pylons (so its possible to mount both on inner and outer pylons) together with both BOL pod and missile.

How did you arrive at this conclusion?

This image


Zoomed in

You can see the BOP/B (BOY 402) mounted together with a BOL pod and a missile on the outer pylon. The inner pylon i can only make out a BOL pod on.

Just to be clear, i don’t mean that it can be mounted on inner and outer pylons at the same time. I probably should have used “or” instead of “and” perhaps to make that clearer (If that is what you were questioning).
I have yet to find anything that proves them being mounted on inner and outer pylons simultaneously but i am looking and will add the info if found.

I might just have found it! (though it might not be enough)


Screenshot 2024-06-27 124702

Its a bit hidden but the “curve” upwards at the back of the pylon is only present if the BOP/B module is installed.

Regular pylon back end

Yeah I don’t see your logic here, they are already available outboard on all Gripen C models, your report doesn’t have any justification for them inboard or that Gripen A carried them .

just edited my answer.
also, i didn’t know they were available on the C in game.
If they can only be carried on one set of pylons at a time then there is not really a need for them to exist on both unless the addition is limited by ordinance.

oh, i think i see my mistake in the report now, i mistook one of the images as an inner pylon at the beginning of making the report and corrected it but never corrected the last bit of info.