SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Smin stated on the Rumour Round up forum that it was delayed to the june update as it would “not be different enough from the ingame A”.

How very depressing…

Thank you for the information

Yeah it is but at the same time i’d rather it be delayed and added with meaningful differences, which in this case has to be AMRAAM than just a copy pasted version of the A with a different selection of Camos.

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Yea but at the same time Sweden will be the only Gripen user that has to grind entire new plane while British and İtalian mains can simply grind one module to in order to access ARH missiles, not to mention JAS39C does have more large caliber countermeasures and should also have center pylon that can carry additional Gbu’s. Sounds good enough to add with First major uptade but knowing Gaijin they will force Swedish mains to GE that upcoming JAS39C.

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JAS39C Gripen from Swedish equipped 3rd generation FLIR and laser designator pods Rafael Litening III and fitted PS-05/A Mk.3 radar like JAS39C for HuAF & SAAF but currently gajin not implemented change yet

I think gajin would add JAS39C Gripen with PS-05/A Mk.3 radar after JAS39A to 2nd major update in summer

Most likely considering they are planning to add ARH missiles with 2bd majör uptade.

I wonder if maybe they’re saving the Swedish Gripen C for modern IR missiles?

The Gripen A also carried AMRAAM IRL. They could just give JAS 39A Fox 3’s and save JAS 39C for Iris-T update for the future…


yeah i don’t think they are doing that

Meteor and IRIS-T when?

I’m quite worried gajin forgot change FLIR and laser designator pods on HuAF & SAAF JAS39C Gripen from Litening II to Litening III in the future

I guess gajin may carry out IRIS-T replace Rb.74 (M) for swedish JAS39C with increase to 13.0 BR after summer major update

In fact JAS39C from SAAF access 5th gen IR AAM only but never use R-Darter BVRAAM ?

Yea it never used any Fox-3 missiles in real life.

it was apparently cleared for R darter just never did due to R darter being retired

Which proves my point that it never carried during its service life.

Except Atlas Cheetah C & Cheetah D fired R-Darter

I’m not sure gajin might consider add Cheetah C or Cheetah D before SAAF JAS39C Gripen

Except Atlas Cheetah is not SAAB JAS39C.

neither 9Ms

we don’t want it too have realistic loadout now and i doubt gajin are going to give it one

Yeah it’s not JAS39 Gripen but Cheetah C & D very good 3rd gen fighter aircraft with active radar homing MRAAM for UK tech tree in the future

İ dont care if Gaijin is gonna give R Darter to JAS39C, he asked if SAAF Gripen carried any of them in real life and i simply Said no.

Jeez stop bein overprotective when it comes British tree every single time dude.

Personally i would like to see those Aircrafts but if i remember correctly they can only carry 4 missiles so firepower concerns me.

how am i being over protected im just saying what it carried