SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Please read my comment again. I am talking specifically about individual missiles.

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Fair enough, but they have outright denied things as a whole in the past and then later added them. My point is that the same could be said for individual missiles. They change their minds on things quite often.

Naturally yes, game development and thus direction changes. We have not however outright denied any particular missile from ever coming. Simply outlined that in-variant modifications (such as de-chirped Ls for the F.3) are not planned.


Smin denied my Aim-9Ls for my F-104S back in the day.

I will never forget. I am still upset about it…

But soon after we got the aim-9J. :)

Iduno I have angrily asked for lots of stuff in the past and was never met with NEVER.

Why bring this up? They only reversed their initial position on anything because our feedback and what we the community desired.

Kinda messed up to throw that in their face in spite of something we actually wanted.

I also do not remember a never statement on anything. Just simply answers like “no current plans to” or “not at this time will we” etc.

Yeah well gaijins words are never to be taken for a 100% truth. They always bend the truth. “No top tier premiums” while having vehicles playing in the literal top tier bracket and bending the trith saying its not the highest rank. While ranks are completely worthless

Once again, I’m not sure how this is relevant to the discussion about missiles.

As above, game development is not fixed but is fluid. We have already clarified our position on premiums on the top rank and made clear there won’t be any on the maximum battle rating.

Many times in the past when we have said “no” to something, we always take into account player and community wishes and where this drives the game. But in this topic, I was answering spesifcally about missiles. To which we have never said “never” to any particular variant if missile, only if it’s not currently planned.


Have not played the gripen for about a week and have I noticed last night, that the hmd does not seem like to lock targets as it did prior, making sky flash kills a little more difficult. Has anyone noticed this?

I switched back to all aim9ms as result.

I look at it this way, ÖL. New players players coming to WT demand access to modern vehicles, GJ has to make a profit somewhere, and drive interest in the game, right? I think we can meet them half way in this regard. Let the new players have what they want, let them do businesses and we get free kills.

Or if there is other suggestions on how gj can keep the game running and make a living. I’m sure they are all ears and would like to hear any suggestions.

I know there are many things they can improve to make the game more enjoyable. I am only speaking in regards to selling content such as higher rank premiums.

Not planned doesnt mean its never going to happen.
Its just not planned right now, but the plans always change.

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Yeah…which makes me think about the aim-9b and the F-104S situation again.

After the release of the F-104S (My all-time favorite fighter) it was armed only with Aim9Bs. It was a terrible jet with zero survivability other than speed. No CM and sparrows were insanely terrible and you had to lose the gun to use them. This was before the FM update too.

I, as well as other community members requested that the Aim-9J be given to the F-104S as a placeholder missile until the Aim-9L (A very small number of F-104S were equipped with the AIm-9L for a single historical mission iirc.)

@Smin1080p denied these requests simply because Aim9Js were not in Italian inventory ever, and the Aim-9L was denied for obvious balance reasons and explained that this one historical mission is not sufficient to give the aircraft the missile in game. Never did he once say the Aim9J/Aim-9L will never come to the jet, but simply stated they cannot facilitate these requests at the time.

After receiving our feedback and some time had passed GJ of their own volition decided to implement a new standard of technical feasibility implementation in the name of balance and gave us exactly what we asked for and even justified it further with their own research and mentioning that the Turkish F-104S were equipped with the Aim9Js, therefore it shall be added to the Italian F-104S. Developers did that completely on their own. Later they even added CM dispensers when the premium F-104S released.
We didn’t even ask for all that.

The point is that I have never once heard them say never in regard to something asked for and its wild to me that anyone would turn around and use the content GJ modelled in for our enjoyment to the point of bending history after initially saying no against them.

This is literally the equivalent of me getting mad at @Smin1080p because he denied the Aim-9J for the F-104S at first, but later given it to us because we asked for it and GJ went out of their way to justify it for us.

Anyway, I personally would like to see more missile subvariants in game. I think it would allow for a dynamic experience throughout all the BRs and force players to change tactics accordingly to each fighter and the possible types of missiles they may be equipped with and learn these specific types of missiles strong suits are etc.

It’s gets boring facing the few types of general IR missiles in game as you eventually master all of them and already know exactly what type of missile the opponent will have based on the Nation they are playing. Diversity of missile types is a very good thing imo no matter how small the variation in performances are.

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Already asnwered in the post above.

I also have seen many people who thought Mirage 2000 was just as slightly upgraded Mirage III.

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Poly can we bring this to the mirage Thread.

I would be more than happy discuss the mirage in more detail. Though I do not know what difference does it make whether it is a 4th generation iteration of the original Mirage 3 (why it’s called 2000) or a completely new revolutionary design that Dassault made that has nothing to do with their previous mirages.

I suppose Dassault just could not think of another name for some reason.

Cheetah is a upgraded mirage 3 so what is the difference between 3 and 2000

His position is that the Since the Mirage 2000 has technologies such as FBW, leading edge droop flaps, strakes, a digitally enhanced fuselage, digital radar (very good one) and new engines means that it is a completely new design.

However these are just 4th generation technologies that emerged in the late 70s. The Mirage 2000 is a 4th generation iteration of the original Mirage 3. It is not a completely new design such as the Rafale or the Swedish Gripen.

imo of course :)

im gonna look into it
Nah seem to be a completely different aircraft just similar to the last


yeah thats cool. I do not see how my belief that it isn’t is such an issue. But I am always willing to discuss it and thus learn more about it.

Yeah technically it is a new aircraft since it’s not a physical upgrade to and existing Mirage III.

I am saying it is not a totally new design that separates it from the previous iterations. If that was the case, they would not name it the Mirage and not give it a designation 2000 signifying that this particular Mirage variant will take Dassault into the 21st century.

Is the F-15E Strike Eagle a completely new design or is just an aircraft built and originates from the original F-15A?

It has newer technologies, altered fuselage etc and serial produced. It is not a physical upgrade to existing F-15s… Then why is it not considered a completely new aircraft with little to do with the previous?

That is the same premise of friend @POLYDEUCES argument. That the Mirage 2000 is completely different and has nothing to do with the previous Mirages and sits in its own evolutionary line. It’s a completely different fighter that has its own tree.

That is the position he holds, and I do not believe it at this time.

The F-15E is based on the F-15 though. It originates from the same base version.
Comparing Mirage 2000 to Mirage III is similar to comparing F-15 to F-4.

Mirage 2000 is different to Mirage III/5/50 in every aspect but the general configuration of being a tailless delta and the engine used being bsed on the Atar as well.
What is your position on Mirage F.1? That would be interesting. It looks like a Mirage III with changed wing, wether that observation reflects it’s design history I do not know.


I’m sorry.

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Am an Proud owner of the SAAF Gripen:

Worst grind of my life (even worse than the British Heavy cruisers), but damn it looks good. Haven’t played any battles yet but if anyone has stock grind tips I would be incredibly enthusiastic.


stock grind tip is fuck the 9Ls, they’re useless garbage and just go for ground targets until you get the 9Ms

or kill AI with the 9Ls if you feel like it