SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Okay, Is this new or have I been an idiot for the longest time ever?

Started using this in SB (where judging ranges is a pain) and my killcount has sky rocketed.

Thanks for the lesson

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Funnily enough, I believe, despite Sweden signing the treaty against cluster munitions, it’s stand off munitions are the BK90 I believe.
Edit: definitely not (This is the E though)


Is there any possibility to have my bug reports looked at?
i’ve made two on the JAS39 that has not yet been looked at by mods and its been 16 and 22 days respectively without any comment.

Thanks in advance :)

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Sorted :)

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Only if it have better radar missile it will be perfect

Isn’t it just camera moving under plane (in another plane) while it just doing left roll?

I hope there is enough people that daily tell you that you are brilliant, because you are! :)

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i highly recommend the Swedish armed force’s own YouTube channel and their serries “vägen till stridspilot” (The road to being a fighter pilot). its amazing.

on a sidenote; their serries “Jägarsoldat” (loosely translated to “Ranger”, “Commando” or “Hunter-Soldier”) is also very good, but its not about vehicles.



Fighter pilot:


I’ve seen all the episodes:) great series

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Gaijin expand JAS39 Gripen C (SAAF) to 12.7 BR in all mode. but wonder might considered infrared Air-to-Air Missile (50G ~ 65G) with IRCCM replace AIM-9M & Skyflash (Rb.71) after this month ?

Screenshot 2024-01-20 004053

Honestly, I’d hope/think not for the sake of the Game. R-73s and Nine Mikes are pretty powerful as is, i’d much rather more decompression and more powerful airframes rather than better weapons getting slung around. I don’t disagree that Skyflash is a bit… garbage for 12.7 but equally the only other thing they could add is AMRAAM, and I really don’t want to see that or equivalents yet.

The gripen is already the best plane in the game right now by a pretty wide margin, it doesn’t need any help.


Depends what others get i except the one coming to Sweden next to have AMRAAMS

If they add that then they must add aim9x as counter which I’m sure you would not like

I think he know if they add IRIS-T other nations equivalent will follow

Do have to agree. As far as A/G goes it looks pretty good going, and A/A it is a monster in everything but BVR. To which the correct response is “Get low”

Something with a bit more reach than Skyflash would be nice but if I’m honest I don’t think it needs it. It holds most of the advantages over something like an Su-27 or F-15 in CQC.

I expect gajin not forget change targeting pod to Rafael Litening III for JAS39C Gripen the first major update

Swedish Gripen C armed Rb.99 (AIM-120B) and Gripen C from Czech Republic, Hungarian & RTAF fired AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM except SAAF JAS39C Gripen

it will always have a problem in the amraam meta because it only carries 4…

Look guys proof that the Gripen has upwards of 90-100° of instantaneous AOA!!!

gaijin fix


Looks like the original FM from the dev server, god lord that was fun.