SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

No lol. If they made the Gripen into a boat I would legitimately just give up on WT

Unsure, the developer specifically set the new Vne to mach 2.0 after testing and noticing the M2.2 discrepancy so I doubt its a mistake.

No its still holding great turn rates and AOA at low speed. Its still top dog, just by a bit of a smaller margin.

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Its closer now but the Gripen still beats them, I’ll have a proper go tonight but the changes don’t seem to have had a major impact on its dogfighting.

Phew, I already was preparing to live the Swedish top tier underdog life

That’s not appropriate language for the forum, please edit your comment.

Well, it’s SAS mode is being half fixed. Though we did just get confirmation the Devs never play SB

Will be increased to 10G, we are using ~9-10G usually for SAS G-limiters, there is no reasons to pull higher than 7-9G in simulator mode.

Because of course, you never turn fight in SB so why would you ever need more than 9G of pull


Decided to get an idea of where the speed tops out with various loadouts, all of this is at sea level, under 50m of altitude, with limited fuel disabled.

clean, min fuel:1540 km/h IAS
Full missiles, min fuel:1465 km/h IAS
Full missiles, min fuel+droptank:1462 km/h IAS

Even with a completely clean setup you can’t hit the rip speed in level flight at low level, you need to go into a dive to breach 1543 km/h IAS. Makes a nice change from having to constantly babysit your speed. That said, acceleration with a full load is definitely down past 1400 km/h, you’ve got to eke out every extra bit of speed.

coolio. just had a go and managed Mach 1.20 so clearly has changed.

Will get back to the FM bit, havent played enough to know.

Haven’t had the chance to properly try it in any real combat. it doesnt hold energy as well, but honestly that may or may not be a blessing or a curse

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I mean he does have a point though…
nerfing Gripen into the ground would do nothing except annoy Brit and Swede mains…

And idk about Gaijin but i really wouldnt like to annoy one of those groups…

Just a real-world operational note.

In military exercises where any allied fighter is up against the F-22, the Raptor is always placed in the most difficult odds with strict rules of engagement and often the dogfight occurs with an opponent already starting directly behind it.

The F-22 is also often still carrying its drop tanks in the training exercise. Recently, this year a Filipino KAI T-50 trainer jet that is modified for attacker role gunned an F-22 Raptor at the Golden Eagle Cope Thunder 23-1 military drills.

The Raptor was still carrying drop Tanks clearly in the footage as well.

My point is military exercises are not conducted like video games where they place 2 opposing aircraft in a 1v1 on either side of a map. They place the F-22 raptor in the most difficult scenarios and allow allied nations an opportunity to dogfight high performing top of the line fighters. The F-22 is STRICTLY limited in the rules of engagement, and you will NEVER personally see the F-22 perform to the fullest capability.

It’s full performance in BFM is still classified. It is pointless to ever refer to any given training exercise as none of us know what the rules of engagement were (classified) and fuel/loaded state each of the aircraft involved were in (classified).


Has it been discussed here that the Gripen C in the game has the wrong cockpit from the Gripen A? The C version has three dimensional colour MFDs, whereas the A version only has one and two monochrome ones. This is a big mistake and Gaijin should fix it. In simulator battles it can make a significant difference.

This is real Gripen C cockpit.



I noted that it was strange it had no air to air gunsight like many other top tiers have, but I had no sources to report it., Most of the discussion so far has been for FM as cockpits dont effect 90% of the community

Most likely they will uptade it when Swedish one arrives, current Gripen C is basically c&p from Swedish Gripen A plus extra countermeasures and Maverick B models.

Afaik, there are two major Gripen C; the ones from Batch 2 and the true Gripen C from Batch 3.
You would have to research on the SAAF Gripen deal and pictures to know which one they got. The Batch 3 got the new cockpit, PS-05/A Mk.3, the better engine and full NATO standard capability.

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2005 ones but parts of their were built in South Africa

Probably, but cockpits are rarely a pirority for them unfortuantely. Tornado F3 is still missing all of its radar symbology (like we have in the Gripen), Sea Harrier FRS1 took 9 months to get its placeholder cockpit replaced because of “research” but the HUD is still a placeholder from the Gr3.

So many cockpits have so many problems, Unfortunately only a minority care about the cockpits being modeled correctly


That’s unfortunate it still feels like a UFO, hopefully it doesn’t stay that way. I don’t want to go back to a F-16 situation where people they were good with the plane or that the plane is the best dogfighter in the word just because it has a somewhat broken FM

The only “Batch 1” Gripen C is the Hungarian, it is modernized Gripen A. The very new (from the production line) Gripen C is that South African, Czech, Swedish and Thai.