Thrust decreases from peak at 0.8 mach, in-game it increases to 24,000 lb-f…
I find it rich how quickly he is to demand sources from others, but makes rather elaborate statements regarding complex concepts and backs it up by saying “someone probably said it somewhere”.
I see at least 2 bug reports in that screenshot that increase Gripen’s performance.
Yoink. @MiG_23M What’s the doc called this is in?
Yeah I’m actually starting to get a bit concerned. Wild delusions and this sort of behaviour is a sign of someone having a manic episode. I can’t understand how he keeps comparing the Gripen and mirage2000. It doesn’t even have canards, nevermind fully moving ones.
He accuses us of hurling abuse at him just ‘because we want the Gripen to remain overpowered’. All the while he is the one spamming GJN with reports using dubious sources. In between things he comes to the forum and demonstrates a total lack of reading comprehension skills, as he constantly scours the internet for sources that support whatever his latest position happens to be. I’d say that’s textbook projection.
Hopefully the devs choosing to ignore that report posted above is a sign they have clocked him.
The extrapolated data exceeds the performances of the -IN20 model of the F404, the RM12 model of the F404 should match the -402 since they are temp limited, not airflow limited. 0.8 mach would not suffer from intake losses, and instead the peak thrust should be similar.
Looks like the Gripen will likely get it’s VNe [not increased] adjusted to Mach 2 at altitude.
From Interfleet:
The Never exceed speed will be adjusted to M2.0 at altitude.
Missiles are not part of the FM and max speed with missile is not tuned per aircraft
Do we know the RM12 exact channel loss?
perhaps General Electric has been stagnant in recent years, only sticking to past designs.
It is a different engine with a different uninstalled static thrust.
However, it has 2.26% more static thrust than GE-402, which would lead to a lbf max of ~19779, or ~9000kgf metric. Now, this doesn’t decrease static thrust, just the maximum thrust at speed.
This change won’t impact the rate speed at low-speeds for example.
Decreased, currently does 2.10 easily clean
What do you think of the in-game RM12 doing 24,000 lb-f near mach 1.1
I think that it matching F414 is incorrect.
I think ~19900lbf +/- 150 is likely accurate for the engine, could be more but unlikely.
And your bug report won’t impact its rate speed at lower speeds since static thrust would remain the same.
Good to see them seeing through his bullshit.
It isn’t meant to impact anything but thrust. If they think the sustained turns are correct they can adjust the oswald number and drag etc but the thrust / acceleration is clearly wrong. The Slovakian evaluation states 40s 0.8 to 1.1 mach acceleration and the in-game model accelerates in half that time regardless of altitude.
It’s hard to know how accurate Gripen’s drag is in WT to the real thing, but the aircraft is tiny & of a very good design.
So it’s likely more accurate than not.
I need to look into F-18C & E rate speed at some point.
thrust more higher
Well, it appears it’s not as good as it’s made out to be according to the reports
did the A model actually ever have the countermeasure pods on its fuselage or was that an addition with the C model.
Because I cant seem to find any pictures with them.