SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion


Griben now does not determine the type of emitter, that is, for it all aircraft are now either “PD”, or “A-A”, or “?”

All aircrafts have same issue, Gaijin is just overhauling RWR mechanics.

If situation keep stay in its that way we can always bug report it.

Nah, F-16 knows that J-39 is J-39…

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Then bug report should be made.

Simple is that.

And that will be incorrect, or so i hope.
As can be seen here, each thing both on RWR and Radar have name attached to them, donno what is written there tho
For sure, for the sake of the simulator, that this one is, VWS call things “SAM” and “Threat”

Then someone should make bug report for it.

I havent download the dev server so i dont know the exact details about problem.

The issue is, that many of modern RWR are losing their ability to diffirentiate targets. If it is temporary or not is still not known.


I see.

Then we need to see the final product before taking any actions.

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Nvm, i just checked changelog, and those changes are there… Great…


Uhm, i dont have documents or smth.

So current Gripen RWR on Dev server is wrong?

most likely, but i do not have any hard data to deny it.


Hello Smin.

Is there any reason why Gripen’s RWR cant identify targets properly on Dev server? Is it because its in WIP or its intentional?

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Sorry to bother you again but can we get some information regarding this possible issue?

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Now that Litening III is out, will the Gripen get it, or rather GIII?

Also will it get GBU-49s to compliment the JDAMs and GBU-12s?

I hoping for the GBU-39 ^^



Since Smin doesnt answer my calls can you explain this nerf?

Why Gripen’s RWR cant able to identfiy threats anymore? Is it bug or historical changes with evidence.