Bug report time?
You want to turn airbrake into a flare dump?
For historical accuracy sake
Btw if somebody wants to help make the thread info feel free :)
Yes, they disabled the anti-satelite mode
The game lacks MAW JAS-39C for all versions. I have written about this on the forum many times but my messages were deleted. Please pay attention to this.
There are some (pretty big) fox 3 changes coming up apparently, everything (aside from MICA?) is getting the loft changed to 20+ degrees (similar to the old Derby/Darter lofting) and they’re all getting range timetables changed, it’ll be interesting to see how it affects things
Do you have any source for it? Was it in a datamine? Can’t find any info about this right now.
Perfect thanks! Was looking at the comments of Oshida, missed this one =)
Why is it that some R-Darters have the extra fins behind the nose set and some don’t?
With fins are earlier iterations, without later
Fireball’s report suggests that the ones without are equivalent to Derby ERs, do we know if that’s true? The latest changelog got me curious
Dont think so. It should be between Derby and Derby ER
But it is Gripen NG presentation.
Yeah that was answered that it was the NG, really they are missing the voice warning system. Guess the E which has it will be available for italy, germany, and sweden. Unless SA has plans to buy them.
Swiss trialed the gripen C and E and the germans want it(check their wishlist). Also Brazil going to italy potentially gives them access to it.