No because we don’t change a plane performance based on some random guy calculations on plane that he know little about its performance
Who are we? You don’t decide anything here at all.
Neither do you mate i haven’t seen Gajin take some random guys calculations based on nothing to adjust a plane before
You don’t seem to know Gaijin very well.
Sure thing pal keep going with you “calculations”
oh the stat shaming i missed that
Like you didnt know anything about BOL rails? I agree.
didn’t know about the rails BOL
Gaijin uses the Jacob-de Marr formula for all projectiles
They don’t use it for all
And that for Dart pentation not a planes flight performance
for flight, they also use calculations like the Oswald coefficient, which is generally taken from the ceiling
Yeah but they don’t take them from you mate stop trying to strawman because Gajin won’t listen to your infinite wisdom
Just like yours
Only that he doesn’t make up anything and then claims it to be true
And what I invented, I made a calculation and got approximate figures.
Pair launch or solo it’s balanced decision (Like non-working radio sights) оr the implementation of some technical features?
Unsure. For BOL F.3 Late is single, FA.2 is paired. That being said F.3 has proper controls for its BOL, FA.2 used the airbrake button, so while raised you would flip the switch from neutral to “up” and BOL would dispense.
I meant standard countermeasures, not those that can be added or removed. Those that are installed in the fuselage. For example, on the Mirage 2000C-S4 there are two countermeasure blocks. One for 16 large countermeasures and one for 18 small ones. All are launched one at a time. IF. Different types of countermeasures have been selected for different blocks. But if only flares are loaded, then large countermeasures are launched one at a time, and small ones - two at a time.
The Kfirs launch countermeasures one at a time.
The Su-27 has 96 major countermeasures that are launched one at a time.
There’s some kind of mess on Grippen. When the BOLs are removed (12 large countermeasures under the wing are considered to exist even when they are visually absent), then the algorithm is as follows: upper plus lower block, upper single, upper single, underwing (3 times until they run out, although there should be 6 launches), then repeat the cycle.
My question is, is the dual launch of fuselage countermeasures a technical feature, a bug or a balance solution?
In theory, on the Tornado GR/IDS, the BOZ should also launch countermeasures one at a time. But we have double launch
What sausage jerry rigged that together?
Its in the manual as well haha, ran out of switches in the cockpit I guess.