SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Im doubting the Full 18 anytime soon, but I really dont think they can avoid them entirely for all that long. Something akin to an AGM-65 in overall performance, but slightly better lock range (they are going to be the dual mode that require a T-pod lock first)

But im guessing we’ll be limited on hard points. Like only 2 on the Gr9A. so 6 Brimstones. Would still allow 2-4 GBUs to be run at the same time. So a good loadout, but at 12.3+ its not in anyway OP on a subsonic platform. Same for the Hawk. Though im hoping for at least the full belly loadout for the Tornado Gr4.

ultimately i see them just being like the 65D but generally better, and while the 65D (and a fair few other ATGMs) are getting buffed to their post pen, i still think the 65G will be superior due to how overpressure works.

Yep, Brimstone are large enough to full into that buff category too. So thats good. But yeah. in overall performance on a 1 on 1 basis. Brimstones wont be anything special for a very long time. But its the volume that can be carried that make them potentially OP

Yeah we will have to see just how well 65Ds do once it goes live and then base it off of that, will also be interesting to see if US winrates even touch 40% now that they have AMRAAM + the 6x 65D and 2 GBU loadout on the F-16C.

Yep. Thats gunna be hella strong CAP/CAS combo. Especially as both weapons are best employed from the same location

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Don’t worry, I’ll be denting them in my CAP role now that I have a strong F-15J to use with TWS and ARH to slap orbital CAS (and harass helis)

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I really hope TWS + ARH Can be used vs helis

I tested them with a friend. They work, as long as your radar can pick them up (i.e. they’re not just hovering or moving left/right relative to you). They can multipath you but that also means they can’t shoot at your team being so low. Also they do have MAWS that can dump loads of chaff, but again, if they’re moving and you have a lock, you’ll see through it, both SRC and TWS.

I do recommend locking though because I’m not quite sure when it goes active against such a small target and locking ensures they don’t change locks to chaff or something.

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Thank you

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Which is incorrect radar behavior. Helicopters should basically be unable to notch as their rotors give more return to PD radars than anything else

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I’m just saying it as it is in game.

We all know helis are modeled very simply and to a certain degree coddled as IR sams struggle to lock onto them.


Well… Ridicolous
Total ΔV
Derby - 1073.1 m/s
120A - 869.12 m/s


This is why all f15c should be equal or have diff BR

Only if it costs 200 sp

why can’t I put r-darter on the wingtip pylons?

Because those pylons weren’t modified for that. I couldnt wven find info on how many A-Darters the SAAF gripen C could mount but id assume it was most likely two, four maybe but the out pylons arent made for ARH. The grip E i believe can mount with the 10 missile upgrade for holding more equipment.

it’s just the overly long pylon filled with a short sidewinder is super irksome for me to look at personally, and I’d like to fill it with a longer missile so it doesn’t look as off-putting

Wingtip pylons are IR only

Is anything being done about the abysmal performance of R-Darter?

Beg for AMRAAM