SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Quick video on what happens. Really weird how it rips easier at alt.

I tried it for a bit but losing a lot of the snappiness and high-speed turning ability is too much of a loss to me.

Must admit, not having wings do causes speed bleed during tunrs, but other than that it flies just fine (i pulled 17g, it did not liked it)

Made one on the missing radar functionality, would appreciate a boost and additional sources if you have them :)

Sure, but radar is a placeholder

is it?
where did you find that info?

It show ingame as a F16, it has multiple bugs… But that is usual, give it up to 3 months

Yeah i was also ripping my wings yesterday. One time at only 800-900kmh at sea level. Im thinking now it mightve been connected to the connection isues!

Updated your report, you have 3 separate issues which need to be broken up into 3 issues. Why they are all radar related they are still separate issues and we only accept 1 issue per report.

Also the developers don’t accept pilot testimony so you would need better sources for any of those issues to progress.

ES-05 when? (AESA radar, so not any time soon)

that is not a pilot testimony however. its a SAAB (developer) information video from their own youtube channel. will that count as primary?

When i look it says PS-05A and not F-16.

In the X-ray it says that but in the files it’s it’s a copy paste APG68v5

Not in hangar, when you get ping on the RWR that can differ radars it shows up as an a F16, and as @oppsijustkilledu said, it is a c&p of AN/APG-68(V)5 found on the BARAK II

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like how the sea harrier had a copy and paste f5e radar

TPod Stabilization incorrect // // Issues
could you pass this one?
its annoying the crap out of me that when im overflying the target in the gripen, or any other jet with a tpod, the tpod goes upside down

Yeah, few aircraft enter the game with their correct native radar. So give it a few months. I reckon some/all of the bugs/issues related to the radar will be fixed when that happens. But it could be a while. I hate placeholder items on aircraft

Tornado F3 entered with the F-14As radar and that took about a month or so to get fixed to the Stage W and then another 2 months (next major) till it got the decent Stage 2G radar.

Sea Harrier FRS1 had the F-5Es radar for 9 months before gettings its own. (even though the data and info was all provided by a tech mod week 1)


Known issue and a code limitation right now.

Hey could you take a look at my bug reports while your at it?

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