SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

I feel like that’s accurate, when looking at airshows of the Gripen it’s pretty apparent how well it retains it’s Energy in turns, whereas if you look at an F16 or other similar aircraft they always look like they’re breaking/slowing down pretty hard in the same turns… Just my observation

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some one ain’t happy


So what’s next to resolve, my list to research and bug report are:

  • radar issues (bugs and general performance)
  • cockpit is that of the A not the C
  • Missing radar gunsight?
  • missing centre line weapons loadout
  • BOL for Skyflash
  • wingtip BOL?
  • SAS mode still not using hard G limits?

I can’t think of any others at the moment.

? It has it. Both in 1st and 3rd person

I can’t select canon on air targets like you can in the tornado or phantom. So unless it’s automatic/default, I’m gunna assume it doesn’t. Though I also need to give it a proper test again perhaps

it is automatic, you just lock on thing and get close to it



Radar issues can be simply chalked up to
its literally not even using its own radar like the SU-27 they’re using (in the case of the SU-27 The MIG-29SMT radar) or in the case of the JAS-39A/C Gripen i believe the F16? radar

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Yeah, someone told me on a bug report that the Gripen shows up as F16 on RWR because it uses its radar. Which is insane actually. But nothing new there. No British aircraft gets the correct radar on addition. Usually a US C&P

yeah i mean hell even the F15 isnt using its AESA radar its meant to get as all F15A’s in US service were using the AN/APG 63? i think it is which was the first AESA radar to be mounted in a aircraft

I’m not sure on that. But the Gripens radar is based on Blue Vixen which was better/akin to APG-73

Ah thank you. Weird it’s not automatic on everything

Well, i guess it has to do something with pilots having to turn it on manualy irl? Or just lazy game development

Yeah, perhaps, though the entire HUD feels… Unpolished

The entire cockpit fells…

ah nevermind the OG source i heard it from was wrong i believe it was the later versions of the AN/APG 63 (notably the V2 and later which were AESA and mounted on C model F15s and later)

Very true.

This part confuses me? But i’d be happy to hear an answer.

Based on my modest understanding of stealth, I can’t speak for the Gripen but,

  • The Eurofighter is 82% composite compared to Rafale’s 70% ,
  • Both have S-ducts,
  • The Eurofighter is more swept across the wing and I think the canard too,
  • It has semi-recessed pylons and outer low observability pylons, whereas the Rafale must carry everything in completely unshielded pylons,
  • The Eurofighter has radar absorbent coatings on the leading edges of the Canards, intakes, wing and tail in addition to the composite layer meanwhile the Rafale’s leading edge of the intakes are aluminium,
  • The Eurofighter has a retractable refuelling probe,
  • The Eurofighter’s MWS mounts are visibly more recessed into the airframe particularly for the tail mounts,
  • Canard span and tail height are smaller on the Eurofighter,
  • The radar on the Rafale is fixed whereas the Eurofighter’s radar can be tilted away from incoming signals to reduce RCS return.

On to the Rafale:

  • Rafale obviously does not have ventral intakes which is an advantage
  • Rafale also possesses serrated edges but is that really enough to make up for the previous points?
  • I’ve further seen the claim that the Rafale has greater RAM coverage but i’ve seen no source nor any figure or even estimate as to total coverage.
  • I’ve also seen the claim that the Eurofighters movable lip is a disadvantage despite the fact that this lip only moves when the aircraft is at slow speed and is fixed for the majority of its flight envelope, if its using the lip stealth does not matter because its now a WVR engagement.

I’m not sure about the Rafale but the eurofighters auto-trim means it flies with minimal canard movement (which would naturally increase RCS).

Even so every source I’ve seen points to them being roughly equivalent based on the plane with some higher and some lower but averaging out somewhere together. That is a conclusion I find perfectly acceptable.

Also, congrats on the FM bug reports.


I dont think that happend


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so it shouldn’t appear as a f16 on rwr

Only difference I’ve seen is the smaller radar cross section for the rafale