SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

He probably means forum moderators with ‘‘staff’’

this was an answer in respons to a bug report closed without explanation.
and you are correct that i personally don’t have many examples of that happening to me, but i was talking in a more general sense, i look at bug reports other than my own around 3-4 times a week.

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I just realized as well, i think the G-suit give to little bonus on the JAS39.
The suit was upgraded heavily when they went from JAS37 to JAS39.
Now in the game the gripen G-suit gives the same bonus as the viggen G-suit.


It’s not directly related to the Gripen, but for British aircraft it is common to have two sets of limits. The “normal operating limits” which is what the pilot is should normally fly within to preserve airframe life, and the “operational necessity” / “never exceed” limits which represent the full flight envelope of the aircraft. In peacetime pilots are expected to stick to the normal limits, but during war they are allowed to follow the never exceed limits if they deem it necessary.

Some examples:



Sea Harrier:







Ive loved it myself so far, first day i pulled off three insane fights (unfortunately wasnt recording and couldnt clip them due to them lasting too long)
#1 i energy trapped and killed two F16s and a JA37D
#2 same again but just two F16s
#3 three MIG-29 SMT
its just a joy to fly but it does feel reasonable at the same time, it doesnt feel as if its doing things that are just impossible for the airframe

In all honesty if our AMRAAM fighter was either this gripen C or honest to god a copy pasted one but with AMRAAMs i’d be very happy



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The gripen has a switch in the cockpit to the back right labeled “peace” at the top and “war” at the bottom. i don’t have exact sources or even reliable information but it is supposed to unlock some limits on engine, g-limiters, radar bands and overall electronic/flight characteristics to make the plane a step better overall.

some images:


Anyone know any good war thunder live skins

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Unfortunately i havent found any to my liking yet for the 39C

Edit, there is a few more now since i last looked.


I’m very glad we got this. Sure its not the F-15, and we have yet again no real SARH capability compared to what others have, but we do have an absolute menace in close combat.

id rather forefeit all SAHR capability for DF capability in the current top tier meta, sure when FOX-3 is added that may change (i doubt it unless they’re given a really good ability to track on the deck)


Agreed. I suspect everyone will get some form of Fox 3s around the same time, so i suspect the meta may shift towards planes that can get to high alt and sling Amraams at the highest speeds as quickly as possible, rather than the current “dodge the Phoenix and R-27 spam”

I’m pretty sure I’ve heard of jets having that, the paper referring It to “Normal” load factor limits kind of indicates the existence of other load limits in place?

@Flame2512 just perfectly showed sources for Quite literally different load limits for other jets, with the lowered one being labeled exactly that - “NORMAL Limit”

I don’t believe this (edited) chart represents the full flight envelope. There’s clearly context to the multiple redacted variables you didn’t touch on as well as the line becoming ‘dotted’ after 7.8G’s. Which is used to indicate something like lack of data or the likes of it.

Yep, you can actually see that switch in the cockpit right now in the game, set to “war mode”.

I actually tested the real Viggen’s G-suit in a real simulator. Very cool :)

Most Gripen A skins can also be modified quiet easily, just need to change the “a” to “c” in the BLK files. In addition to the Blackjack skin, I’ve also got this one on mine WT Live // Camouflage by Hassan_Tiger


Gunjob also was in this battle and won 1v2 :D

AIM-9M close up inspection


Currently Gripen is doing 25+ deg/s sustained turn at speeds as low as 0.35 mach. No one noticed this yet?

Well and above reality on this one.


@Gunjob that hurt

Mate, I just wanted to get close to hear your concerns and contact you about your extended warranty.

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