SAAF JAS-39C Technical Data and Discussion

Curiously enough this excerpt. Am kind of surprised but anywho.

Im really worried that means they are going to start artificially nerfing the Gripen in certain ways to nerf it.


According to the latest response from

the devs think the aircraft has a positive static margin, which is quite funny.

That’s what I’m concerned about

Equally the Gripen could be going the other way in terms of performance at the BR.

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where is this from

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hm intersting.

imo for the sake of lower br aircraft it should be moved up but compmared to other 12.3s it shouldnt.

annoying dilemma

Problem of their own making. If they had more BR bravkets (say, up to 13.0 rather than 12.3) it’d be fair. Putting a Gripen up against a 11.0, say, the F-4E or MiG-21bis would be outright unfair.

This what happens when the player base of a nation who has to use inferior aircraft in game for a long time and adapted to working around the strengths of the enemy aircraft. So when the high skill players of the lesser craft finally get a good jet it’s feasting time. It’s basically gaijin admitting the Gripen is clapping cheeks


there is the remote possibility that we are getting clapped in it. Genuinely think we may just be too used to flying missile sleds by now haha.

our standards for “this was a good game” are much lower…

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Nah the Gripen is clapping the winrate in it is unreal



True but also ive got a 71% WR in the JAS-39C atm lol. (for reference Tornado F3 WR for me iirc is barely 50%)

I havent played enough to get a decent idea of WR, but i’ve not got a positive K/D in it yet.

in the JAS? damn, then again if your stock grinding with the actually balanced FM then yeah thats understandable

I rushed G Suit, 9Ms and BOLs. Nothing else so far. none of the FP mods.

dont blame you id reccomend picking up Boosters and Flares so you can take chaff as it helps a great deal with the R27 and AIM-7M and then the rank III/IV performance mods then whatever you fancy

Think i’ve got the Flrs Chaff one too but cant remember

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Think my WR is 73% and a 3.55 KD. It’s cranked.