I want to point out that the ja37di‘s (tech tree and premium) are currently sitting at 13.0 and they are both lacking hmd. I personally think that hmd at this br is essential and because these 2 planes are lacking it they aren’t just competitive with other planes at their br like f16‘s,eurofighter‘s,mirage‘s etc.
so I would like seeing hmd getting added to these planes, they are really good planes and I personally like them and it’s a shame them not having hmd.
It already has a better RWR than in reality lol. And not having HMD isn’t as bad if you know how to manipulate a radar
You probably bought it didn’t you? Money well spent right lololololol
Simple answer. No, it shouldn’t be added even if it had that, else 13,7 you go.
What you cry for planes that outrank it, now imagine that you ask for AMRAAM/HMD combo and you meet 12.0s and 12.3s that sometimes don’t even have proper SARH.
Not to mention the flight performance, in any sort of dogfight with things at your BR (even the stuff the JA37C faces) you gonna lose because you dump so much energy while doing the slightest of turns and the rudder is just not doing it’s thing in general
Fun fact, there was actually a tested HMD system for the viggen! It was intended to be fully plug and play and required no integration into existing aircraft, but it was only tested and not fielded in production/service. I believe this was discussed in a thread about the aircraft before it was added, along with other things like its then missing datalink channels and still absent Aim-9Li (I believe the argument for the Aim-9Li was that it was acquired before the Gripen entered service and the viggen left). I think there was even a tested IRST system too.