Saab J35XS BR change to (10.7 -> 11.3)

I play only SB. Had i nice time with this aircraft pre-nerf. You could competitively turn with many aircrafts, but finding bandits and beeing able to get close without getting shot down was always a challenge with no RWR and a lousy radar. The better mig21s could turn with you, they did better 2-circles. The mig23 was slightly worse than you at truning, but f5 would outturn you completely. It was not a superb plane by any means but capable in the right hands none the less.
With a full rocket loadout you could attack bases as well, so it was OK.

After these changes, it no longer wins any turn fight at all, it looses the 1 circle, 2 circle and top speed against anything it faces with few exceptions. Its missiles were mid, but with what it faces now, not very good. Since the nerf of the rocket damage to bases, it is no longer is viable for base runs. Its got no rwr and shitty radar. Overall it is just worst in class at pretty much every metric in its tier. Its barely got any CM, and with no RWR you dont know if that mig23 fired an R60 or an R-24R at you, so they dissapear quickly. All you can do with it is hope you find an unaware isolated ground pounder thats slow, or thirdparty in a furball, but good luck finding anything with that radar…
Its just atrocious at everything in this state…


After all J7D with almost identical capability is at 11.0 but I guess they just want another wave of Chinese players to splash the cash, and then nerf it. Anyhow we see all the F4s indirectly nerfed as they can’t rocket the bases straight after a huge summer sale. I think both nation will have new premiums at 12.0 or even 12.3 so in sales they can again get some money.

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Is it possible to tag a moderator to get answers?

-Terrible airframe
-Very bad cannon with 120 shots
-12 countermeasures
-6 IR-guided missiles that are also distracted by the smoker who lights a cigarette in the farthest corner of the map
-No semi-active radar guided missiles
-Two versions of rockets that are now useless

All this for 70 euros.

Now, what kind of substances do they use when they do this reasoning in their offices? What is this plane still doing at 11.3?


Yes, but I highly doubt they can answer this… @Forum Moderators



as i said to an other guy on the forum…

it would already be wrong to do it for a tech tree plane, but in this case they asked you for money, you paid for something a few weeks before or much before, at a discount or at full price, 70 euros. And in fact they turned it upside down, they sold you one thing and then gave you another because they woke up thinking they were doing it that way. It’s serious.

Where is it written at the time of purchase that you are buying something that can be completely distorted at the discretion of a third party? when you buy something you pay for what you are buying at that moment. Now, small balance changes are OK, but this stuff is 100% wrong

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they raged that the Bad A32A premium didnt pay off lol, so they nerfed the Better one lol

Idk what you think saying all this will do… Dozens of people already have said what you’re saying… It’s just one of those things that you have to live with… Do I agree with it? No, but I have to live with it… Also, I can’t do anything about it, so don’t think telling me will do something about it…

Also, all I did was tag the moderators like you asked… But I still HIGHLY doubt that they will be able to give answers or change it either…

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J35XS needs to brought back down to at least 10.7

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J35XS should go to 11.0. No lower.

Also anyone advocating for it isn’t exactly covering themselves in glory by:

Asking for fake missiles

Asking for fake flares

Asking for fake RWR

Asking for fake flight performance

Asking for it to be egregiously low

Complaining they can’t destroy bases in an interceptor

That’s just some of what I have seen. Not a good look boys. Also the conspiracy theories are hilarious. “It’s gaijin… they’re working against me… they hate the players… they’re going to replace it with something better.” You guys sound schizophrenic.


It’s outclassed in literally every metric, especially after its most recent nerf (There is no world in which the current flight model is “realistic”)… Not to mention if they did add fake equipment it wouldn’t be the first plane to get that treatment.

The j35xs severely underperforms at its new BR where everything turns better, is faster, has vastly more numerous flares, RWR, AND radar missiles.

As for the whole rocket situation it shouldn’t matter that it’s not a strike aircraft. It’s was a decent way to grind that was unceremoniously ripped away from every plane. Not everyone can get 4-5 kills a game, especially in the gutted version of the draken we have now.

The only reason I can think of that anyone would be opposed to it getting a 2 rank BR reduction would be that they’re grinding at 11.3-12.0 and want free food.

All in all it sucks at it’s BR, it doesn’t need “fake” stuff just a return to its old BR.


Damn that’s crazy maybe we shouldn’t rocket bomb in an interceptor and cause its earning stats to go way above what they are for every other plane

According to the manual for the plane it is.

It was a bug that people used to their advantage for months, it has now been fixed. During that time, it inflated its stats way higher than they should have been, causing its current BR.


dude just watch your mouth ,you will probably be banned both in forum and game for your based words :)

lol if it’s got the load out for it then why shouldn’t it be an option? We all suffer in the grind already, why advocate for it being harder? Also if gaijingles had any intelligence they’d separate stats from bases vs kills and such. Probably too much to ask from them though. Either way rocket change should be reverted with the FM change and BR.

Idk what manual got used to justify this nerf but I’ve seen actual video of it performing maneuvers you can’t come close to doing in WT. not to mention it gets out turned by F-5’s… highly unrealistic.

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Also bought it in summer sales just for it to be nerfed to the ground. However I think that placing it at 11.0 would be more fair than placing it way back to 10.7, at its current br of 11.3 its horrendously obsolete against the F-14s and such in uptier, but at the same time it would completely decimate 9.7 aircraft in a downtier as it is still a pretty solid fighter, just not an 11.3 fighter. Oh yeah also the fact it has the same br as JA37C which is just better in almost every way has to be some kind of joke

Hey how about I support the game with real money and they give me plane I can grind with. Im not aksing some overpowered unrealistic plane Im just asking some kind of consistency ofr 70 euros. Do I aske too much is it fair for a plane thats in game so we can grind to be able to grind not to be worst plane in game.

Rockets were disproportionately effective against bases and EVERYONE knew this. You can still use bombs or use those rockets for ground attack.

Nah its just fine this way, no more half the team being useless because they want to go rocket bombing in a fighter.

Seeing a plane perform a maneuver doesn’t tell you anything about how much speed it lost during said maneuver.

Also, the F-5 is grossly overperforming because gaijin refuses to use the american manual for it, and is instead using a russian intel report that grossly overestimated its capabilities.