Saab J35XS BR change to (10.7 -> 11.3)

lol if it’s got the load out for it then why shouldn’t it be an option? We all suffer in the grind already, why advocate for it being harder? Also if gaijingles had any intelligence they’d separate stats from bases vs kills and such. Probably too much to ask from them though. Either way rocket change should be reverted with the FM change and BR.

Idk what manual got used to justify this nerf but I’ve seen actual video of it performing maneuvers you can’t come close to doing in WT. not to mention it gets out turned by F-5’s… highly unrealistic.

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Also bought it in summer sales just for it to be nerfed to the ground. However I think that placing it at 11.0 would be more fair than placing it way back to 10.7, at its current br of 11.3 its horrendously obsolete against the F-14s and such in uptier, but at the same time it would completely decimate 9.7 aircraft in a downtier as it is still a pretty solid fighter, just not an 11.3 fighter. Oh yeah also the fact it has the same br as JA37C which is just better in almost every way has to be some kind of joke

Hey how about I support the game with real money and they give me plane I can grind with. Im not aksing some overpowered unrealistic plane Im just asking some kind of consistency ofr 70 euros. Do I aske too much is it fair for a plane thats in game so we can grind to be able to grind not to be worst plane in game.

Rockets were disproportionately effective against bases and EVERYONE knew this. You can still use bombs or use those rockets for ground attack.

Nah its just fine this way, no more half the team being useless because they want to go rocket bombing in a fighter.

Seeing a plane perform a maneuver doesn’t tell you anything about how much speed it lost during said maneuver.

Also, the F-5 is grossly overperforming because gaijin refuses to use the american manual for it, and is instead using a russian intel report that grossly overestimated its capabilities.

It’s far from the worst plane in game, just not the best. Watch a DEFYN video on it for some helpful tips.

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Tag people to the rocket bases thread where people are still arguing it’s good


Ppl are only asking a proper BR

On this thread maybe. In a lot of other threads and on Reddit people ask for stuff like Skyflashes and AIM-9Ls

Genuinely think no logic went into these changes. The J35XS is at 11.3 with the Mig21 BIS. While the BIS has a better airframe, engine, missiles, guns, RWR, and more countermeasures. Put this thing back down to 10.7. It has no business being 0.3 lower than the F-14!

Thats no sense imo. They should just give it proper br, nothing else. My 2 cents


It got moved up along with EVERYTHING ELSE.

The J35XS was 10.7, now 11.3. The MiG 21 bis was 11.0, but it wasn’t rocket bombing bases like nothing else either.

I don’t usually write in the forum, but it’s really shameful what they did to the saab j35xs…In my case, I live in Argentina, so for me it implies a lot of effort to buy a 70 dollar plane, here that implies a lot of money considering that the average salary is 300 dollars. When I buy a premium airplane it is precisely because I want to be able to investigate a tree without having a hard time. Somehow I find that they suddenly put the j35xs up against planes like the F14, or the mig 23 ml or f4S…it’s really not fair, the j35 has no rwr, no countermeasure, no radar guided missiles, it’s a disgrace, and I think gaijin should at least consider downgrading it from br, in my case I can’t be buying planes all the time and in fact I already paid for this plane. And what I paid for it was just for the battle quality of it. If all of a sudden this plane becomes so bad because of bad decisions by gaijin it seems to me almost an insult to those of us who put money into the game.
I hope with all my heart that the situation can be reversed because I paid for a plane that was excellent and today it is almost unusable.


Should be stay in 10.7, because the Mig 21 bis is way-way better in all equipment and aspects, and it is in 11.3 also.

No radar
Less agile except 1 sharp turn, powerless acceleration
No all aspect missiles
total 12 of countermeasures

Find matches vs the 2nd best class missile carriers like Phoenix and R27ER.

Bought when it was in 50% off, but right now it worths absolutely 0 in any currency.

It does look rather Brutal at its current BR, All the J35s probably need a review. I think Gaijin needs to do a BR change ASAP because the list of aircraft with incorrect BRs is quite long


They didnt exactly help by making it even more of a flying airbrake

Yeah, it could have done with a BR change before the decompress

The gaijin hates Sweden, how is the J35xs 11.3? Guys, the MIG23ML has 60x countermeasures, radar missile, 30g all spects heat missile, absurd acceleration and it’s 11.7, man the J35xs falls against F14 straight away!
The J35xs only has 4 weak 20g rear spectrum missiles, because if you put 6 missiles you can’t use afterburn the whole match, let alone in SB mode. The J35xs only has 12 countermeasures, man and it’s 11.3, the J-7D has 72 countermeasures and some great 35g missiles in 11.0. The J35xs wasn’t very good in the old BR, now it’s unusable, whoever spent 185 reais is screwed. I think it’s wrong to leave the vehicle OP just because it’s premium, but wow, this one leaves the thing balanced. It’s like the F16AJ in the same br as the F15J that has fox3 and in the same br as the Jas29A that has missile with IRCCM. Gaijin ruined the draken lol and I lost my SL farming plane.

Bro what are you on about the AJ is 13.0 and the F-15J(M) is 13.7.

That’s a stretch lmao, they aren’t the best but they’re definitely not weak, especially with one of the most powerful IRSTs in game. If you’re grinding for the Iranian F-14 you better get used to them lol, Js and Ps are the same thing different name.

Correct! Move the tomcats up and give the F-14A AIM-9Ls and the F-14B 9Ms. Perfect solution :)

The J35XS got done wrong with the BR changes, it should have gone to 11.0 but it didn’t so you gotta live with it and push for changes around it. If the F-14 is the biggest threat to this plane and it can’t do anything about them than move the F-14s up.

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Because they would be worse than the AIM 9 P3’s it has already. Most finnish aircraft can mount both western and soviet missiles.

They would have one significant advantage: range