Saab j35xa

This plane really needs either better missiles or low br, with this weak missiles placing in same rank as mig 23 or f4s phantom is total crap


It doesn’t help that every single match at its BR is 10.7-11.7/11.0-12.0.


Yeah, that premium and the F104 that was in Italy’s premium are god awful. Plus the J35 only has 6 flares and a fuel tank the size of an orange.

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I just played in SB after a long time (since the decompression BR changes) and it´s such a boring plane to play. Can´t find anyone because the radar is crap. When I finally find someone, they are usually faster than me and when I finally catch up to them, I am out of fuel. :D
It´s perfect plane to play before going to bed. Ima call it J35zzZZzz from now on.

It needs to be 10.7 and I will die on this hill.

I remember playing it in RB when it was at 10.7 and I never ever recieved anything else than a full uptier and even then it was so boring because everyone just kept running away. :D

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its just that 10.7 planes can outturn that plane, outflare, only thing saab excels is speed

All high BR F-104s are overtiered and need to be moved down.


I’m stealing this one

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