Russian Tanks or American Tanks? Of Rank VII - VIII

So I am trying to figure out what Country I should grind to I go for more attacking if that helps. Thank You!

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More attacking then Russian, since they have the better armour and mobility (going forwards, since you said attack) US tanks are great for sniping but upfront a little bit weak in terms of armour so you just have to hope no first shot pen or kill so you can reload faster. Go for T80BVM first, they are more mobile and I hope you have a good time (stay aware of slow reverse)

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I would recommend playing the US because their tanks can let you play more aggressively than Russian tanks if you’re skilled enough. Because of their fast reload, great gun depression and reverse speeds.

You can really pop in and out of cover that way, and you get so many respawns.
The armor’s not half bad, either. Very strong planes, too. The best, actually.

I would easily pick the US between those two, basically.

Although I prefer China regardless.

Thankfully, China will get the M1A2T (An export M1A2 SEP V3 without DU) at some point, so China is actually the best.

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Nah, seriously, if you want CAS then who else but Su25SM3, plus, who dares CAS against Russia? PANTZIR will teach CAS a lesson. T80s are very good, whilst I agree that US should be able to go back to cover quickly, Soviet tanks accelerate way faster plus their side ERA and T90M’s spall liner just helps you survive so much more than US. I think he meant like physically fighting on the front line so better armour front on is much more key, whilst US’s massive hull weak spot is just…


Sep v2 right?

Yeah I just went and looked it up. Improved sepv2 with better thermals. Took me a second to stop being dumbfounded when I realized Taiwan is part of the China tree. I was like no the heck we did not give China our SEP. lol

The Pantsir still cannot do anything to a competent top tier CAS player, as top tier CAS outranges the Pantsir.
The Su-25SM3 is also not the best CAS.

They don’t. The BVM accelerates at basically the same rate, and the T-90M especially doesn’t, and it only reverses at 3 km/h while reloading every 7.1 seconds. (Compared to the Abrams)

It helps you survive if you made a mistake and got flanked, but even spall liners got nerfed, are single use, and their ammunition explodes more often now. I kill them just as easily, but they have many disadvantages outside of mere armor compared to the Abrams.

Physically fighting on the front line doesn’t mean just getting shot, and it’s not like the Abrams has no armor - in fact, the Abrams has better frontal turret armor than the BVM, an auto-ricochet UFP, and you will survive an LFP shot. While Russian tanks obviously have an LFP that they are exposing in CQC, which you can shoot, and OHKO them.

Meanwhile - the Abrams reloads considerably faster, has a better shell, can pop in and out of corners with its reverse speed and take advantage of various small hills and banks that are present even on the more close quarters oriented maps - all things that are very useful for fighting on the front line.

Not to mention actual long range maps where an Abrams going hull down is 100 times more of a menace than anything Russian.

Hopefully this helps.

I don’t know why you asked if it’s a V2 and then said it’s a V2 when I expressly state that it’s a V3 within that post.


And Taiwan being part of China is a very obvious choice and it’s been that way from the beginning, you being dumbfounded doesn’t make any sense. To the extent that I feel like it’s some kind of a political jab.

That definitely shouldn’t go to china.

I would recommend you study the US research branch first, all the way back to 10.0. Beyond that, it’s best not to. Abrams start to stagnate after 11.0, and don’t get any better. The US has good aviation, it’s beautiful.
USSR has good tanks. At medium ranks they are good, then they lose a lot in efficiency and comfort of the game. You will be the worst at aiming and the worst at driving 80% of the time. However, at the highest rank the situation is somewhat corrected, the aiming is at the level of competitors, and forward mobility becomes very good. Only forward. Backwards you’ll see a measly 4.2 or 11 km/h. And of course, the automatic loader has more disadvantages than advantages.

Main problem with this is that pictures that were published of the supposed first M1A2T arriving in Taiwan show it having the same turret cheeks as the SEPv2, instead of the extended turret cheeks of the SEPv3, making it unclear if the M1A2 even has the NGAP armor.

Just like in the other thread regarding the Abrams having average survivability, only if the person shooting the abrams in the LFP is an absolute idiot.

Doubt that’s gonna happen with how Gaijin usually models export vehiclew.

It would probably be a US tree premium

What are you talking about, everyone pretty much agrees that Su25SM3 is the best pure CAS and that is why it stands at 12.7BR wise. Su25SM3 outranges every single SPAA by at least 100% of their range and 200% for all but PANTSIR. PANTSIR too has the best missile and is only outranged by about 2km by most. He is not just talking about top tier, but also level 7 where basic ABRAMS suffers the thermals, can be penetrated by 3BM42 in basically half the vehicle.

So you mean 30hp/t vs 20hp/t is nothing?

Into your turret killing you or disabling your breech

The M1A2 SEP in-game has a 24.4 hp/t.
The BVM has a 26.6 hp/t. These are barely noticeable differences. And the Abrams reverse speed of 39km/h is infinitely more valuable than an hp/t difference of 2.2.

Do note that your claim was that the BVM has a 30hp/t, while the Abrams has a 20hp/t. So your claim was actually a difference that was exaggerated by a factor of FIVE.

The T-90M has a 22.6 hp/t.

Almost impossible that a ricochet into your turret (which only happens within a small portion of the UFP) will OHKO, but it will do damage. You seem to neglect to mention that a ricochet is only going to go into the relatively small turret ring at the very end of the UFP, otherwise - the ricochet will just go straight into the turret composite and be completely negated.

You’ve already proven to be extremely facetious with the hp/t argument, so this is nothing new.

Yes that is if you shoot the UFP and I won’t, for most part of my WT experience, I have seen ABRAMS being slaughtered by Russian tanks, which is exactly why US win rate is so low. Nothing can save you from a loss if you have 10 stupid ABRAMS on your side. I agree ABRAMS is good a dodging out of cover and back, but you never will if a single shot lands on your LFP. ABRAMS is fantastic (playing on my friend’s account+ZTZ99A simulation with similar reverse speed) when you use it behind cover and hills, but Russian tanks overall are more ‘user friendly’ especially for someone just entering top tier. I mean of course US tanks are great fun, but just to say they are not so much for beginners at top tier as seen from their low win rate (I know this is partly the CAS problem).

Ok? So if you’re any good at the game, you’re going to prefer the Abrams, because it has qualities that better players find more useful. This is a self-own, you do realize this?

If the Abrams were in some minor nation tree like France, what do you think its winrate and K/D would be? And not in the US tree, well known for harboring the worst of the worst?

On a side note - do you know what the stats are for the American F4U-1a Corsair compared to the Japanese F4U-1a Corsair? Two identical vehicles at the same BR? Only difference is that they’re found in different trees. I think it’s a very interesting exercise.

I mean he is a guy looking for suggestion and not the best tank. Russian tanks just allow for more mistakes and still gets you kills consistently. I see you play China, have you not had your APFSDS eaten by Russian side ERA, or no ammunition explosion into their LFP? The US tree is widely complained about and I think there is a reason to, I know how Russian players say 'I would take ZTZ99A reverse over armour, but having had more kills in top tier with ZTZ99 over ZTZ99A makes up my mind. I am just suggesting it is the way for a new comer to top tier to play Russia, much more conventional and allows you to rush a lot more.

Don’t bother with Sneed, he has an ego that is too big dor his own good. Just because he can’t aim against the Abrams makes him think that the Abrams is very survivable and that everybody else also can’t aim against the Abrams.

USA has better brawlers, Soviets are as-good in medium to longer ranges.
If you go Soviets, T-90M is a must.
Avoiding T-80BVM due to its poor turret armor.

If you go USA you get Abrams which get the best round in the game, firing every 5.3 seconds with an expert crew.
USA also has better CAS than the Soviets by far while remaining unkillable to all SPAA in the game due to out-ranging all of them.


DM53: looks at you confused

2nd best round in the game.
Using a same-length gun, DM53 pens slightly worse.
USA is still running L/44.