Russian Bias in 2024?

There’s a lot of Bias from individual Developers and Mods, meaning that they will straight up ignore their company’s policies.

Any bug report about incorrect performance can just be ignored or pushed aside, if it doesn’t suit someone who is in control.

Likewise a lot of game mechanics can benefit certain nations or vehicles more than others.

But in the end, that’s just how it is.
Things also change all the time.
So advantages might disappear or other vehicles and nations start to benefit from changes more than Russian vehicles.


Not to mention, that 45mm aphe is pretty much a thing of fiction as far as I can tell.

This has ruined low-mid tier ground, there’s not really much other nations can do when there are 3 Yak-9Ks and TIS-MA running around in the air 1-2 shotting even heavy tanks…


Imho your bias description / example looks credible, but imho bias has to be seen in the broader context. As written somewhere else - wt is first and foremost a business.

So if bias would actually exist and could be proven this would be the end of wt - nobody with a clear mind invests money in a video game which clearly favors one specific nation.

So if bias would exist it would be rather hidden ad subtile - maybe a few adjustments of RNG events, but not that obvious as gaijin earns money with all nations and too obvious bias would have a negative impact on premium sales of those other nations.

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It almost happens everytime I play my 9.3 germans and every round gets block by a T-72AV or T-80UD reactive armor. Only option is trying to destroy the gun breach by shooting next to the barrel, but kill it one shot is impossible. At this point I say it’s pay to win there.

My friend once had a 1000lb bomb land directly on top of his IS-4M and everything but his crew was damaged. Its probably buggy code and not Russian bias.

Dev and Mods EXECUTE company policy. They are not simply “ignoring” things of their own volition.

They ignore what they are told to ignore, and address what they are told to address.


You mean like fixing Abrams, Challengers, Leclerc and Ariete?

“I mean” like everything. I don’t know what point you’re trying to make.

was just an example

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Alright. Well then yes.

45mm cannon has recoil, and it has dispersion.

Pretty true comment, I think what this guys is referring to is power-creep, with the intro of new technology certain vehicles that belong to major fractions become very powerful. Otherwise at the moment at top br, what we are experiencing is Strvs and 2a7s overpowering other vehicles. Its only when the SM3 comes into play that the level playing field gets leveled.

In air br the soviets at top tier are not overperforming, unless you are a skilled pilot that can evade quite a few missiles and then do all kinds of notching staying low to the ground and only then launch the R-77 at less skilled pilots, then it works. Its US tanks that were underperforming in comparison to other top tanks that makes it seem that there is biasness but that is largely contributed to the intro of Strv122s B+ minus and 2a7 not massive usssr biasness. I lagerly disagree with the comment of complete Russian bias.


Here’s two bad things about Russia which automatically negates the fact they have the best SPAA, best ATGMs, one of the best Heli’s and tanks with Spall Liners and bs ERA’s and impenetrable hull. Russia isn’t the best in every single regard so it must be false! What a genius take!

You guys clearly don’t know the definition of bias:

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Hold on here, best ATGMs but only frontal hits, spikes can lock on to helis and shoot them down, korrent cant really do that unless heli is within 800m distance. Yes they have the best ERA, but era is frontal armor only. Lower glacias shots and side shots most of the time result in one hit frag. Yes there have been updates where the carrousel autoloader has had extra survivability but that is becuase it became to easy to shoot at T-series tanks. Within the last few days I don’t really notice that it is such a major problem spall liners have indeed been nerfed over the past week.
Yes they have a much better AA system in comparison to ADATS but, ITOM missiles in game perform just as well as panstir ones. Pantsir ofcourse has only one advantage its two guns.

As for air ground cas rb US just got the new premium harrier which is pretty much the same as the SM3. It has zoom flies at comfortable speeds that allow you to pick targets and engage them.
HSTVL is around to help out, the counter to 2s38 much better armor and ability to handle sabot rounds.

Leo tanks overpower t-series tanks its just that they dont have the same level of CAS support as the harrier has or SM3.

Otherwise air rb well that is lagerly dominated but US at the moment, I dont know how it is at the moment but a few weeks ago AIM120s outperformed R-77s by quit a bit.

So Gaijin intentionally gimps other nations so Russia won’t be obsolete? But they have no problem when vehicles of other nations are obsolete (Basically all SPAAs against KH-38’s) due to Russian vehicles? You just proved there’s a bias.

US has the best cas at basically every br but I guess we should ignore that because Russia gets a bathtub with good missiles


KH-38’s are the best air to ground missiles right now, Vikhyrs is the best continous guided heli missile marginally better than Hellfires or AKDs.

No, because of Gaijin’s wrong implementation, ERA gets more effective when angled and both T-80BVM and T-90M have ERA bags on the side.

So does 90% of other tanks in top tier, most of them has way easier weakspots to shoot.

They still have less range than KH-38’s, but that’s not a problem for Pantsir, it can easily see and take down ATGM’s from 12km.

Can ItO 90M also see targets on HUD with TWS? and does it have auto lead? Genuinely asking because I don’t have it.

How? does it’s Mavericks can reach Mach 2? Can it fire from further than Pantsir? (it’s 11.3 and will still see 11.7 Pantsir often). Does ADATS also have 20km range to also provide cover for them by taking out or at least scaring enemy planes? And it’s premium unlike the SM3, premium and event vehicle bias often applies to most nations.

Leopard 2A7’s and Strv 122’s overpower every other tank, not just T series. But T series also does overpower everything else below them. Before those added T-80BVM was the single best tank in the game for years, then they added T-90M with spall liners, no other leopard despite having them IRL got theirs until russian tank that had them added. Because of complaints Gaijin did add them but also nerfed them.

Right now yes, before that the Su-27’s were dominating. Like I said, just because it has 2 shortcomings doesn’t mean it doesn’t excel by big margin in every other factor. Tell me another nation that has very good tanks, best SPAA, best CAS and very good helis at the same time? There isn’t one! Every other nation suffers in one or multiple regards either lacking CAS or good tanks or SPAA etc…
And USA doesn’t dominate alone like Russia, 8 out 10 countries in game have a plane that shoots AMRAAMS, Japan and Israel also have F-15 with 8 of them and France has the almost identical F-16C as CAS option, there for it’s still way more balanced than Russia is.

EDIT: and only reason Russia suffers in these regards is because there isn’t much left to add, T-90M and T-80BVM is already the most modern tanks Russia uses. Meanwhile USA still doesn’t have it’s most modern tank SEP V3 added despite being much worse than 2A7, and it didn’t even get the proper shell upgrades it had, M829A3 and A4. SEP V2 is literally worse than the previous one with no removable TUSK package and they didn’t even add Trophy to make it at least unique.

I do believe US and especially Israel need to get better AA systems, they are not at the same level, as for anti CAS aircraft US can engage su25sm3s that is the best counter to them -f-16s.
For me the question is, can DU hull armor lower glacias section truly stop 3bm-59 (Du penetrator about 745mm in length) if it cant then added armor wont really make a difference.

As for overpowering monsters, there are past bvm and 90m tanks. They have the black eagle 152mm gun able to fire vaccum1 and 2 rounds, rumors circulate about griffel round. There is also the Burlak tank in development and of course Armata.

So I should be spending 600-700 SP to spawn F-16 with Fox-3’s when Russia can do pretty much the same with only 70 or 90 SP? And this is fair in your eyes? And If Gaijin really wanted a competition to SM3 then why did they increased the SP cost of Fox-3’s? If I’m suppose to use planes to defeat CAS then it should be only few 100-200 SP to spawn them without CAS loadout and it would suit USA doctrine, they have the biggest Aviation in the world.

Not everybody uses the single shell in top tier and armor does add up when angled. It could at least make other players aim before clicking on Abrams or stop random shots sent from bushes etc.

They can’t easily add them without causing controversy, if we’re talking about non service tanks there’s plenty overpowered tanks for USA too but they will never add them since we don’t even have the service tanks in the game.

Maybe they should add all the overpowered together, we will have monster vs monster fights, sabot rounds around 900mm in length dulling it out. Make others like the Germans and Swedes think twice about bulling everyone on the map.