Roundel replacement system for applying your own roundels

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Ever see the roundel lists in your lineup and wish you could just make… a South Korean F-86, or just a alternate history Republic of China J-10A?

(skin credit to 馮如)

This is to suggest that Gaijin should implement a roundel application system of existing skins (barring usermade marketplace skins to a degree, see sidenotes) so people can apply their own roundels.

There are several roundels that are part of the skin in the game that are incredibly huge/wide that it negates trying to apply your own roundels lest it gets really ugly, see below:

Just look how ugly that looks! AND you have to use up multiple decal slots!

You have to make the decals so huge sometimes that it becomes really unsightly! AND the original roundel is showing through!

You can’t even use subdued roundels on certain aircraft because it shows through!

I am suggesting a special decal slot with tick boxes and scaling that allows you to edit roundels on aircraft to your liking, and obviously the roundels will be locked to what is available to that nation AND what you have unlocked - this will also make it possible to ensure that the user does not have to use up more than 1 decal slot to apply their roundel of choosing:

Aircraft without the proper roundel slot in that specific area will have it greyed out, such as on this Late 298D. Also note if you wish to retain the default roundels, you can simply leave the boxes ticked so the roundels will appear:

You can also remove the tick from the roundel slot so you have a blank aircraft. (This is if you wanted to apply something other than roundels, such as Youtuber decals, but since Youtuber decals are not roundels, you have to apply it through the decal slot manually.)


  • This would be a fairly big tweak for the skin system ingame (basically necessitating Gaijin to go through every aircraft and making a blank version of the skin to make this possible to ensure decal placement is correct and possible), but it would allow for further user customization to their liking.
  • Perhaps Gaijin could release it slowly for only certain aircraft ingame, akin to how customization of loadouts is only applicable for certain aircraft, then it is gradually applied for more aircraft as time goes along
  • Usermade marketplace skins probably should have the author upload blank version of their skins if they want this feature enabled, otherwise it will default to having that special decal slot greyed out or missing to let the player know it is not compatible. This is to ensure that authors aren’t forced to use this feature OR have to go back to update their existing skins to make it compatible. It should be an optional feature for skin creators that have marketplace skins.
  • Special flamboyant event/esports skins without roundels to begin with would just have this feature disabled, or it can let you apply your own roundels via the roundel tab.
  • Obviously this feature should be tweaked or turned off for sim, and when playing sim, you default to the normal ingame roundel so that people don’t abuse this feature to confuse other players.
  • A possible solution to the above point may be players get limited roundels specific to that nation, so for example: US players can still choose to have subdued US roundels or a pre-WWII US roundel if they chose to do so, but they can only choose roundels for their nation. An example interface for sim-compatible roundels can be marked accordingly:
  • Whether custom roundels is visible or not should be toggle-able by players under options, similar to how players can set if they want to see certain skins or decals on other player vehicles.

Let me know what you all think and discuss below!



I didn’t know I needed this until now but I do. I’ve done a handful of roundel over roundel and know full well those problems.



I think this is a good idea, however what I would say is that this feature should add an option for players to hide these custom roundels on enemy aircraft if they want. like how you can choose between seeing all camos or just historical, just to avoid confusion in Sim or Custom games without player markers.

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Probably wont happen. SB was already a major source of problems for roundels (hence they are nation locked now). If they do, it would 100% have to be optional to see on a player by player basis to prevent abuse.

Maybe just limited to historical users
overall though this is not an issue so -1

I did a bit better proofreading and updated the roundel system concept to have scaling involved, incase people wanted to further customize the roundel to their liking.

Also again, this feature should be heavily regulated for sim so players cannot abuse it. I do like @Batwingsix suggestion to maybe have it a player enabled option where they can disable it like decals and skins.

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+1 Hope they add this one day, it’d be lovely.