Rooftop machine guns turn too fast

The problem is that HE is unable to do more than 2 kills in any Early helicopter without ATGM, because of MG,…

So i propose him another method, while warning it is less rewarding,… but more survivable.

And he’s complaining that it can’t be reliable as my stats are somewhat too bad for him to care about my input.

(If only someone working more than 11hours a day on engineering stuff, had more time playing helicopter he could be readable,…)

Yes the issue remains hitting moving targets.

Don’t engage moving targets with unguided munitions unless you have to. Have patience and wait for a target to think they are safe and then strike. If you get impatient and rush into close quarters, you will be the one that loses out.

Yes, rooftop machineguns are able to react too quickly to a helicopter flying overhead.

You are trying to make an issue out of this when there isn’t one. The issue is your piloting, not that rooftop mgs are to powerful.

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An Heli is making noise so much that you can ear-spot them from around 4km (IRL i can)

No, they’re not…

Helicopters are loud yes, this is not in dispute.

The issue of realism and game balance. Currently helicopters are faced with unrealistic odds. This makes them less useful than they should be and makes the game unrealistic.

Then if they can hear you,… why shouldn’t they expect you to somehow pop out of the buildin, with MG already pointed in the air?

Anyway,… a MG is set over a Rotative point, and easy to move around thanks to that.

Yes which is why tanks shouldn’t need to have such unrealistic machine gun movement when they will know of the approaching helicopter giving them plenty of time to prepare.

What issue of realism? What issue of balance? Helicopters are incredibly cheap SP cost wise and get comparable amounts of rockets for alot less sp than comparable jets.

What unrealistic machine gun movement? You think it’s hard to move an M2 on a ring mount like the cupolas have? That shit is almost weightless if the ring mount is good. You can spin them right round baby right round with no issues.

The efficacy of rooftop machine guns. Their ability to turn / the angle they can turn / how they operate.

Machine guns are able to move faster and engage immediately which negates real world surprise of verticality.

Oh certainly not, they do require an exposed crew member to operate though.

In real life, yes. In Warthunder, no. Having a modeled crewmember for the gun positions would be alot of work for absolutely no gain. It would have to be an optional thing too because an open hatch would open up issues with overpressure and it doesn’t make that big of a difference that they aren’t modeled.

Surprise of verticality? Are you serious? You can hear helicopters like 1.5 km out, you don’t have any surprise of verticality.

What issue is with the realism of the turn speed or angles? M2 pintles on ring mounts can turn 360 degrees and reach very high firing angles because of how an M2 operates. Modeling the crewmember doesn’t make a meaningful difference for the work it would require. The turrets being operational without a modeled operator is a gameplay nesscessity similar to repairs. Is it realistic? No it isn’t. Does it make sense from a gameplay perspective? Yes it does.

Have you ever thought for a moment that every issue you have MAY NOT be a problem with the game and MAY be a problem with how you play?

Yes hence the disparity which causes imbalance. That’s why I made this thread, to bring attention to this imbalance.

You realise that no ground vehicle in Warthunder is realistic right? You, a singular person, controls every aspect of a vehicle that takes 3 to 5 people to operate normally. The realism argument gets kind of lost when you bring that up. The MGs don’t have a modeled crewmember, big deal. Its been 10 years since ground battles launched and noone has cared until you, because it isn’t actually an issue.

I’m not asking for full realism, I’m asking for balance. Currently rooftop machine guns are both unrealistic and unbalanced.

So machine guns turn fast and can engage immediately. That’s what you said is imbalanced. What part of that isn’t balanced? You aim at something, then engage it. Ring mounts are easy to turn quickly, and then you shoot at what you turned to. Where is the problem here?

Use some details, don’t just say “MG fast”. Write more than one sentence actually explaining the issue.