TYPE: One seated Fighter
3x 7.92mm FN Herstal-Browning machineguns
Wingspan: 11.4m
Lenght: 8.8m
Eigne: 1.060 hk Pratt & Whitney R 1830-SC3G
Cruise speed: 520kmt + source states 887kmt (?)
Range: 1.320km
SERIAL NUMBERS - times in service and fates
After being starved of grants in the 1930s, the autumn of 1939 and the spring of 1940 became a wishful dream for the Norwegian armed forces. New aircraft were ordered in large numbers.
In August 1939, 12 American Curtiss Hawk 75-A fighters were purchased. These were modern monoplanes with large engines, 1054 HP Pratt & Whitney. At the same time, negotiations were held on license production of 40 aircraft at Kjeller.
Just before the war, Norway received 19 Curtiss P36 fighters out of an order for 24 aircraft. The first aircraft arrived in Norway on 19 February and was immediately sent to Kjeller for assembly. 5 machines were fully assembled at Kjeller Flyfabrikk on 9 April and four of them had machine guns fitted and sighted-in, but all lacked a radio. Reflector sights were on their way from Germany. However, the planes had grain and ring, so the four who had weapons would therefore, in theory, be ready for battle when they received ammunition. However, none had been in the air at this point in time. A further two were more or less ready, and the three were being unpacked. Five machines were still in crates at Oslo harbor and possibly in Bergen. The last 5 planes were on their way across the Atlantic and were delivered in Great Britain
The planes that were in Norway were taken by the Germans and sent to Germany. Here they received German instrumentation and were used by German training departments. 13 of them were sold to Finland in 1941.
In 2002, the wreckage of one of them, CU-554, serial number 13659, was recovered in Russia. From 2004 this aircraft has been under restoration in New Zealand
In the picture below, we see one of the planes confiscated by the Luftwaffe at Kjeller April 40. To Germany for mod. Browse German instruments and weapons. Repainted, transferred to Finland
Kjeller airport
Kjeller Airport is an airport located at Kjeller in Lillestrøm municipality in Viken. Kjeller was Norway’s first military airport, The first flight from Kjeller took place on 21 September 1912.
Kjeller Airport was built in 1912, nine years after the world’s first motorized flight. this makes Kjeller airport one of the world’s oldest airports. The airport was built around a field on the farm Kjeller, and was approximately 40 acres in size. The size resulted in approximately 100 meters of runway, and a few years later this area was expanded to almost 700 metres.
The first plane arrived at the airport in 1912, and was from France. This came in boxes and mounted at Kjeller, and flown a week after
The First World War increased the size of the defense budget, and this resulted in the airport area being expanded from 40 to 650 acres in 1916
in WW2 Kjeller was bombed on 9 April 1940 by German bombers, and the Germans immediately began the expansion and repair of the airfield for their own use
Curtiss P-36 Hawk – Wikipedia
Kjeller flyplass – Wikipedia
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