Hi guys! I found a ridiculous mistake in Zara’s and Pola’s armor.
Turrets armor in game are 203mm front and 150mm all other sides. Actually developers could take ANY source, anything what they like and see, that turrets armor should be 150mm front and nearly 70mm other sides… There are no other numbers
So guys, if you will make a good report with good sources they will like (cause they don’t want to open and check literally ANY source about Italian cruisers by themselves), I will be grateful and our game will become a little more realistic
I just mentioned them as you can see in my report, I hoped that this will be enough, because actually any source about Italian cruisers contains correct turrets armor number, they need just to open any of them
So I just ask for help - I have never done reports, so if someone can and want to make good one - welcome!
I don’t see attachments in reports of other people unfortunately. It isn’t enough to just list few sources and say there is such info there, it sounds like “trust me bro”, you should attach screenshoots of the book’s cover and the page at which this information is provided. Two secondary sources (books, magazines) or one primary (manual or other technical documentation).
Ok guys, can someone advise good free sources about Italian fleet, which moderators will definitely like and accept? Or maybe someone has purchased some books and can help me in making report?
I don’t really know what sources they will accept, again I didn’t have experience in it, better if someone more experienced will make a report of course…Or I can, but need advice
Yess, I know, that’s why now I am asking for help someone here. Who has two books or any two open sources, that will be considered as good and reliable. As I have said I am not professional in reporting, but I heard there are people who fond of this, of course it will be great if they will make bug-report
Or I can do it, but guys, I need two free reliable sources. If someone of you worked with bugs about Italian cruisers - can you send me pdf files with books and definitely reliable sources?
The current armor of the turrets is correct.
The sources you are referring still use the old wrong data.
The correct thickness of the turrets is reported by E. Andò in his “Incrociatori pesanti classe Zara, Parte Prima” OM 5/II, page 16, that, despite its age, it is still the most detailed text on the subject.
And you can see that Andò’s data is the correct one by comparing the thicknesses in the original blueprints, where you can see that the front of the turrets is thicker than the 150 mm of the barbettes.
And Oh wow… Honestly I haven’t expected that, cause in most of other sources it’s written front turrets armor is 150mm, so I was sure turrets armor was 150mm…
Absolutely crazy, but it seems they all are wrong
Then my big respect to you and to Gaijin development, who made such a big work, finding correct numbers of armor! It’s really surprising for me
And unfortunately I still couldn’t find this book in the Internet, neither any similar original blueprints, but for me it would be very interesting to see it, so if you can and if you have it - I will be glad if you can send me in DM!
And here the detail of the blueprint: the thickness of the turret armor is not indicated but it is indicated the thickess of the upper part of the barbette (150 mm), you can easily compare it with the front of the turret and see that the front is thicker than 150 mm.
Oh, now I see, thank you very much! Honestly for me it looks like turrets front armor on blueprint is WAY more thick, maybe as twice bigger, than barbettes thickness, which are 150mm… I think it can be measured on blueprint, but anyway if it’s also written that turret’s armour is 203mm, it’s probably so, and now we can see it’s definitely not 150mm. Great research, thank you!