Rheinmetall 130 mm Demonstrator - Future Tanknology

I will just say that my position is that it should be in both trees, as an example of British-German cooperation.

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I want one

can you post the aforementioned parliamentary enquiry?

I think it should go to Britain so Germany can have more leopard 2 upgrade variants from KMW or Rheinmetall

Germany and Great Britain should have this tank. Just like the 2017 and 2022 EMBT under the union of Germany and France.

WELL, THERE’S A LEOPARD 2 BASE right THERE, and it’s like the tower here was made by France. IT IS NECESSARY TO INTRODUCE ONLY GERMANY!!!

This is written for everyone who thinks that Britain should have it.

Just like that, but with this tank:


Will have to dig it up again as i have not seen used it in about a year, its one of two pieces of evidence we have for a 150mm chally which i am genuinely curious about both of which are eqnuireies.

the older one is mentioned here Challenger variants | Secret Projects Forum

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Absolutely ridiculous suggestion, -1

The Germans never tested this, nor bought it, nor build it. Why is this suggestion even open?

Just because there is some amount of German tech does not create an argument for it going to their tree. Using that logic, the Leopard 1 can go to the British tech tree because it uses and L7.


Mate you are crying so loud you and the other British mains, the vehicle wasn’t tested nor bought/used by GB, it was created by Rheinmetall a German company in Germany, the tank was tested and built in Germany not in Britain, the whole argument that it’s should be in the British TT bc it use the challenger 2 as a base (modified by Rinmetal ofc) is as stupid as saying that all strv 121/122 should go to the German TT bc it’s based on the leopard 1/2 tanks, Germany have the right to get this tank just like GB so quit crying.

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you do realise that through the reasoning of this suggestion (gun made by Rheinmetall) Germany gets a claim to almost EVERY Prototype Abrams and most other 120mm NATO Tanks.

the tank was built to compete with the Challenger II LEP for which would become the Challenger III design, are you going to claim the LEP as well because it used the RH120 L/55A1 cannon?

the Tank was designed by a British/German Consortium (RBSL) on a british tank for a british competition. the German army never even looked at this, so why should they get it?


Damn, so you’re saying you’re fine with suggesting the HS.30 for the UK because it was built in the UK?

And you’re also completely fine with seeing the Leopard 1 in the UK tree after the Centurion because it uses British technology?

You’re fine with seeing the Leopard 2AV in the American TT because it was built for US trials?

Good! I’m on my way to suggest them right now!


So now the argument moved here.

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-1, According to Your reasoning Italy should get the KPZ70 because the autoloader was made by OTO


And the VAK 191B, because components were made by Fiat.

Also, it should go to the UK, since the engine is British. Since apparently, a nation whose technology is present on a vehicle can claim said vehicle

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Bc they are the one how built it and test it it’s not about the gun the vehicle itself was modified built and tested in Germany

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In the case of the VAK191, Italy was a partner of the project so It should be another completly different situation. But I am digressing

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+1 for the Leopard 2AV to go to the USA TT



Just to make it clear, neither UK nor Germany goes for 130. The Cr2 130 was a private venture of Rheinmetall, where they presented that 130 autoloader they did worked. Purpose of the video was 130 with its autoloading presentation for potential buyers in the future, neither of countries wanted to buy it.
Rheinmetall made their 130 with modular autoloader, but they needed a tank to fit in to test and advertise it. It would be very cool if there was a tank that could fit 130 in it and had a empty back of the turret where autoloader could be easly installed. Yea, it was 2019 Cr2 LEP they had right there. The whole thing is about GUN ONLY, whole project was 130 autoloader advertisement.


Do it then would like to see them pass good luck since non of these where created/modified nor built in the USA nor UK

So a vehicle built/modified by Rheinmetall (german company) tested by them (in Germany) have no right to be in the German TT Bc it was created for a competition, the UK didn’t modify it nor test the vehicle they didn’t even bought the thing so give me one reason why shouldn’t both UK and Germany get it

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