Rework J-7D: Reborn from the ashes in the form of J-7G

Ah okay. Thank you.

Maybe if they wanted to make a “premium J-7E” they could do the J-7EH, I think was the name, that was basically a navalized (Navy?) version of the J-7E to deal with salt corrosion and stuff like that. I don’t think it was ever carrier capable, but the most reliable source (wikipedia lol) says “navalized.” From reading and some images, it seems to be just a J-7E with a different name. Could work.

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Dude, we do, lol
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I think its right


BGI would be a better pick, the G model should be tech tree


J-7G capable to carry PL-5E, PL-8A, PL-8B & PL-9C. so J-7G better J-7D 70% and place to rank 8 but not rank 7


i must to say, j7d is so weak in 11.0, it not a premium j7e but a mig21mf with magic1(pl
7)and pl5b in 11.0,so i suggest to make a j7g to instead of the j7d

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Replacing j7d by j7g is a very good idea indeed.J7G selling like hot cakes is most likely to happen.Gaijin would earnt pretty penny if j7g pack is put on sale.


Gaijin should do this, this is a easy work, and rework can make Gaijin makes more money, like the rework of cv90105


In my opinion, J-7G it should be regular tech tree at 11.7 or 12.0 BR located before J-8F, J-11 and J-11A in early rank 8

For Chengdu J-7D in rank 7, PL-8 swap x4 PL-5B & PL-2 and change max BR to 11.0 (Air AB) and 11.3 (Air RB & Air SB)


Using J-7D is hard work,Expect J-7D to be upgraded to J-7G

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WE need J7G

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agree,J7d is too weak and needs to be strengthened.

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Would you guys rather Gaijin put out a Tier 8 premium plane for China instead?
(F-8IIM, J-10 without ARH, JF-17, some F-16)

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the J7D is a poorly performing vehicle,so +1

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strongly suggest
J7D is so week in 11.0
there is already precedents like cv90105

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Thinking about it, I do agree with this. A foreign/export version would be better for a premium, because then all the actually domestic Chinese planes could be put in the tree.

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U are right, J7D should not stay at 11.0 for all of its shortbacks

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The J7D is the worst fighter at 11.0,her body comes from mig 21mf ,she can‘t even arouse my interest to make a purchase.She needs to change to J7G


Gaijin wont give a better jet for free. They will lose a lot of money if they replace J-7D with J-7G.