Returning player facing two step authentication

So i am trying to use marketplace, before you could without this two step authenticator now you cant. I dont want to use apps on phone because i have lost one game account before like that when i lost phone, and i am now looking for other options, event is here i would like to use specific plane, cant buy it elswhere but on marketplace.

You need to enable 2step to use Market. There is not option to skip this protection.

Use email instead?

But how, i have added email and still it asks me to add device when i got to marketplace

Hi, I’ve removed the image as you didn’t blur out one part of your email. feel free to repost it whenever you blur it out ^^

it was only gmail. com did not know thats important so here is screenshot if someone could elaborate what else to do

Still your personal info, this is a public forum. But here.

Check you have confirmed your email, have phone number setup. Far as i know that’s all you need. (with 2fa too)

Although I don’t use marketplace I HIGHLY advise to use 2-step authentication. Reason: commenting on the forum one day I used some highly “passionate” language and was sent to the penalty box; within 24 HOURS of the penalty my account was hacked. So yeah, use the authentication. Trust no one.

I mean i dont understand, it says its enabled ? Phone number is linked, i got email as conformation its on, reloged into game and still it wants me to set it up and its on already.

I know, but honestly like i have wrote in first post i have lost one games acc with stupid google authenticator it was few years back but i remember sheer frustration when i could not aces it any more without authenticator

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Go into the previous screen, so click security settings > screenshot that page for me. & block out any info. Or pm it.