Restore the Chinese F-16A MLU

Whats wrong with the F-16 MLU?

Yeah it’s kinda crazy.

Instead of actually…well, you know, making the MLU into an MLU which was upgraded to fire AIM120, Gaijin would rather take away its added countermeasures (which is also part of the MLU upgrades) and turning it into a F-16A without the MLU upgrade, than giving it aim120. Still called the F-16A “MLU” in-game tho.

I mean, for what reason? With Japan now receiving a new F-16 from Thailand, yeah I think it’s time to revisit the MLU issue. Also F-16AJ that was never actually exported.


F-16 MLU should have AIM-9M and AIM-120,and on the CAS side, he should also have an electro-optical targeting pod. Just like these F-16C equivalents are now.


Yes, F-16A Block20 MLU should have AIM-120.

F-16A Block 15OCU have AGM-65 and AIM-120.

The 150 F-16A/B Block 15OCU’s for Taiwan are built to MLU standards and are designated Block 20. The Block 20 designation was reserved in the 1980’s. It was later assigned to the Taiwanese aircraft and to the MLU program initiated to bring the European F-16s to an enhanced level, comparable with the block 50 F-16s of the USAF.

“MLU” may be similar to F16C Block 50 rather than Block 15.


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In my opinion, just add F-16A MLU Late after Mirage 2000-5Ei and J-10A


Agreed, I think it’s time to restore the real situation of the F16A mlu, add the AIM120 and AIM9m to it, and raise the br to 13.7 in order to fold with the Mirage 2000-5EI to make room for the J10B and subsequent models


Got J-11 J-10 and Mirage2000 still not enough, aren’t they?

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What’s wrong with variety I main US air and we have F16 F14 F15 and probably soon to have F18


It’s such a lame argument for having a fictional plane in game, at very least it could receive Belgian F-16A treatment if devs are not willing to give it AIM-120.


What a dumb reason for fictioning a plane to nerf a tech tree.


If MLU has 60CM, can’t fire Aim120 and Aim9M, then where is the “MLU” part? U might as well just call it a F16A…


in earth.the f16mlu have aim9p4.aim9m and aim120c.but in game he just have 9l and 7f

I mean all F16A Block15 MLU/20 MLU can fire AIM-120, not only Chinese.

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The Mirage 2000 and J-10 are better for 13.7.


Regardless I want to say that china has every fox 3 (except derby and phoenix) and the AMRAAM is needed for thaf claim

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It’s still not enough to have F14, F15 and F16, still want F18, don’t you?


I know that the F-16V cannot and should not exist now, but turning the MLU into an F-16C analogue (like the F-16AM or the F-16 OCU) is completely justified and justified.


@Smin1080p_WT Whoever it is, I need an official to give a reasonable answer to this question. We are not asking you to do it all right away, but we need to know why and what you think of this error.Many Chinese gamers are not used to speaking on forums and prefer local communication sites, but that doesn’t mean they ignore the issue of fake F-16 MLU.


Hah you can tell me that when German stuck with F4 but nooo chinese need more isn’t it?
US have a lot of aircraft sure why? because they made them, they do not rely on other nation.