Restore 4.7 Battle rating of M18

Before the Battle rating change, the light tank “M18 GMC” is suitable for a Battle rating 4.7. However, at a Battle rating of 5.3, the survivability of the M18 is poor, and the artillery performance is not as good as that of the “M36 GMC” . It is not appropriate to increase the weight of M18 to the same as M36. So request to restore the Battle rating of “M18 GMC” to 4.7.

Also, in the case of Chinese vehicle, if you add the M18 and ZSD63 Battle rating, there is only one Chinese vehicle (ISU-152) at 4.7 weights. Very embarrassing. It just can’tmake a complete 4.7 line-up.

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Survivability is poor ? Oh poor M18 …
The EBR is also at 5.3 with the same level of protection, mobility and a far worse gun so the M18 clearly deserves to be at 5.3

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no lol, I play china too and I can say the M18 is one of the better vehiccles in the 5.7 line up.

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Skill issue. You are not supposed to survive shots in a light tank. Use yout speed to get a better position early and suprise enemy tanks with a great cannon m18 has

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Actually the EBR has worse survivability, because it fuses APHE more often. It also has only solidsot, while the M18 has APHE.

It is completly fine at 5.3.


True for the fuse part. However, EBR also gets APHE but with a catastrophic 104mm of pen.

Oh sorry i misremembered. I somehow thought that the autoloader premium is what you are talking about xd.
You are right, but M61 shot is just an awesome shell. Can side pen anything, or even frontally on the weak spots, and since it is APHE, it will actually do something (khm khm unlike bri’ish deathcans)

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Is this the one the EBR is using ? Cuz if so you can’t pen anything from the front and when meeting Tigers, even side pen is complicated.

Premium is on the 6.7 for long time now. Regular ebr however could do a downtier, it is barely any use at 5.3



Yes, same as the Shermans with the 75mm.

Yeah but the short 75mm. It’s the exact same pen as the Jumbo while having much longer gun so something is weird here.

It is roughly the same length. But yes. Also, look at the British M61. It has no HE filler, so it should have a bit higher pen (maybe 106-107mm pen) due to not having HE filler, but it is the exact same as the ones that have it…

It should have less pen (~103mm), not more.

M18 has no right to go down with that overperforming 76mm gun. Its good Light/TD at 5.7 and even better now when many of its main rivals moved 0.3 upwards.

If Gaijin ever fix all AP rounds having too much pen then maybe it could go to 5.0, but doubt losing 20mm pen is going to cause much trouble how M18 is played.

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Well, they are the same shell, just M61 with filler repalced by some inert material and the fuze replaced with just a tracer. Because of that it’s slightly lighter.


I actually misremembered. The british one is lighter, you are correct.
Tho the issue ramians with the incorrect penetration, but instead of being smaller than it should be, it is bigger.

M61 with filler (British Sherman II):


British M61 without filler (Cromwell):


Thanks for reminding me!

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No. It has an M1 76mm, 149mm penetration, the M4A1 (76) w has this gun at 4.7, and it is much worse. The agility of the Hellcat allows it to get into positions much ahead of the main force, with it’s small silhouette allows it to remain unseen, the M1 76mm is powerful enough up to 5.7 and even 6.0, even more so on this chassis, this is a load of bs created by a bad player.

Yeah, no sht, it’s a tank destroyer, not a heavy tank.


Just use it properly, the M18 is a rat tank, use it as such.

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Even EBR(1954) has crippled ammunition. It is perfectly able to fire the PCOT-51P capped shell but the Snail thinks it is too powerful I guess.

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Yeah, I hate it when Gaijin does that.

Either they take ammo away for some arbitrary “balance” reason, or they give a vehicle ammo to make it special, like the British Sherman II, which is just a US M4A1 that uses an experimental US APCR round.

What kind of sense does that make?

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Ammo wasn’t taken away.