Responding To Your Feedback On Separate Battle Ratings

Amen, proof they don’t even fly the Tornados against the swarm of Zomber phantoms or mirages. If a Tornado has 6 bombs, there is no situation where it will make it to a base before a F4 phantom with rockets

NONE of the Strike Tornados should be over 10.7 in ARB(in the condition they are currently). If this remains the case then they should be given air spawns at Mach 1😂


“All spitifres are now moving up a full BR in Sim”

Su-25 is a <3km range CAS platform.
A-10A Late is a 6+km range CAS platform, it’s objectively superior to Su-25 for ground battles.

The Canberra without the gunpod is the same exact BR.
And no, I never used the Bucc S1 cause during the event I test drove it and determined it was just a faster Canberra, and I have the S2 which is a monster in air and ground.

Even with airspawn, I doubt they’d actually beat an F-4 to a base, at least not without running so little fuel youd run out of fuel the moment you reached the base

Buc S1 has 4x N1 bombs and 4x Mk13s. It has a max base kill potential of 1.8 bases. It can also take 4x AGM-12s (where i think its current BR actually comes from for GRB)

it has no options for AAMs or CMs

Its notably slower than the Buc S2 and feels a lot heavier.

Id put it at best equal to the Canberras, which get airspawn (at the very least, Buc S1 should get airspawn)

This is not relevant to Sim at all. Those BRs are based entirely on Air Sim because ground sim aircraft are dependent on bracket.

they couldn’t do that. they’re too difficult to fly.

Its Gaijin we are talking about…

Why us f16 adf(i don’t know about other adf) is the same br as netz/16A in grb? It can’t carry any a2g armament, shouldn’t it still be lowered to 11.7?

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As I said, a faster Canberra.
It’s both faster to its top speed and has a top speed of over 150kph faster than the Canberra.

good point… I fully expect the Spitfire ia to go to 5.3 because funny turn circle

And yet is notably slower than anything and everything at its current BR and below (I was unable to outrun a mig-15 the other week with a fairly minimal bomb load and min fuel)

It is 8.3 worthy at best (at the very least, its SB rating of 9.0 needs to go down a load)

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To whoever is balancing the game, why do you hate tornadoes? You give us poor quality tornadoes, and now you refuse to put them at a BR where they might actually be able to hit bases? The one thing they can do with how utterly shafted you have left them?

Let alone buccaneer.

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It has to be BR’d relative to other bombers, it’s not a fighter.
It cannot be the same BR are notably worse bombers.

Id quite confidently argue the Canberras are a better bomber because they get airspawn and are far more likely to actually drop bombs on a base.

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Hmmm? The dumb bomb Tornadoes are going to 10.3.
And the Buccaneers are correct BRs.

Fingers crossed for 1520 more CMs, Aim-9Ms and a finished/Buffed flight model this update then. Only way this makes sense

Not in ARB

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If you’re discussing buccaneers (I’ve muted Alvis, mate’s a troll), then Canberra will always hit the bases before being shot down, whereas buccaneer will never hit bases before being shot down unless you’re facing the least competent or most polite players in the BR range.

Their damage model is good enough for them to fly away from combat anyways, so?

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