Responding To Your Feedback On Separate Battle Ratings


We want to nerf the hardest type of aircraft to use in ARB even more


You expect the efficiency of the AMX to remain high when decoupling it from its lineup at 10.3? That just makes no sense whatsoever. Yes, it’s effective. It’s one of the few really standout options Italy has. Not everything needs to be normalized. Let people have nice or standout things in their lineup. Italy top tier is shite otherwise.


If we could be seeing more ASM’s in a future update hopefully we get them in a working state, currently the ASM’s we have now just fly over the target ship no matter the angle it’s fired at

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The Israeli Vautour IIN should also recieve the Shafrir 2 IR AAM due to its very poor performance both as a bomber but as an aircraft in the current AIR RB climate in general. It would bring its capabilites on par with other aircraft like the Javelin or Sea Vixen, having the ability to carry short ranged missiles with relatively good maneuverability on a very bad at maneuvering platform while also having the ability to choose to carry bombs.

The problem with the Vautour
The main issue with this aircraft is that it cannot even effectively dodge even the most basic and earliest AAM like the AIM-9B due to its very poor maneuverability, especially at higher speeds where you would ideally want to be to dodge such missiles.

Summary of the performance of the Shafrir 2:
It’s a slower AIM-9B that burns for longer and has an uncaged seeker before launch. (It’s even slower to accelerate than the AIM-9D and its maximum range is almost identical to the AIM-9B)

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You’re just flying straight and hitting spacebar man 🙄🙄
This is as close to playing the game as hobby horsing is to actually riding a horse.


Thank you for confirming that BR has nothing to with capabilities of a vehicle. It’s only there to ensure the same RP and SL per time. Can’t have anyone falling out of line now, can we. Need to maintain that X RP per hour goal at all cost.

Thinking about lowering their rewards? As if they aren’t already useless, because of how ARB is set up.
How about we fix ARB instead, hint hint my other post maybe

I guess completely ruining an entire BR bracket and basically having 2 or more free kills against planes without flares is fair, since their flight performance sucks. A-10s are basically 5km wide no fly zones against planes without flares, and SU-25 can catch up to a lot of planes that it faces.


Fire and forget does not mean fired and destroyed, usually just hits in maverick. buff it if still moving up to 10.7


It’s flying in a straight line dodging IRCCM missiles with barely any CMs in aircraft that is slower than most at it’s BR and less manoeuvrable with minimal self defence.


Brother, ALL planes have to dodge missiles and guns… 😂😂

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great so f104’s, mig19’s, and the all aspect mobiles are stuck at their current brs forever
see yall when they drop the mig15 to 7.7 to compensate


Equivalent Jaguar A in french TT?

And before that each one of those killed 2 or 3 people from the ennemy team before ending up with guns only (on which i love to use A-10A thanks to his maraveleous abilities at low speed).

So,… let me call that bullshitery,…

Check on my stats for A-10A late, i played most of the time for AIR-AIR fights in ARB matches, and i’m sitting just fine at 2.6 KD (111 gamess 180 kills 70 deaths)


Then let’s move the f111 to 11.3 then. It’s just flying in a straight line pressing space bar


Bombing bases is THE easiest way to play the game, why do you think so many bad players resort to do exactly that?


Are you going to make the 10.3-11.3 like the WW2 BRs that everyone launch an attack on air?

Su-25 and A-10 players are just that bad (esp the prem ones) even with the all-aspects



Does this mean the Tornados are getting buffed as they aren’t moving down?

Like IRCCM missiles, BOL rails and their full BOZ pod CM counts. As well as bug fixes liking fixing their flight model?


Why must GROUND ATTACKERS be comparable to fighters in air-to-air combat, even in an Air mode?

They are causing HUGE problems for every flareless and/or subsonic aircraft that can see them, which has caused the F-104A to move to a ridiculous BR of 9.3 and subsequently caused Korean War-era fighters (Sabre/MiG-15) to now face early jets from WW2 era.

They should be moved up OR lose those all-aspect missiles.


That’s why BR shouldn’t be based on either rewards or player statistics


You guys can’t not be serious with the Su25/k and the premium A10. If they are.kot going higher in BR, why not removing their all aspect capabilities? 9G to the A10 and R60 to the Su25s, make it at least some kind of time taking to get a kill from a flareless plane, from the many, flare less planes


PLAYER WANT: change some like a10/su25 in air rb so 9.x wont against 9L/R60M
GAIJIN DO: change all guide up in ground rb