Responding to the Severe Damage feedback & release time

Gaijin dont give anything away for nothing, not these days

In a short period of time you start to recognize a few of the names. There is only one “employee of the month” award though.

sadly for you, i’m no employee,… if only i got a single GE, each time i defended Gaijin choices,… i would have finished TT thanks to premium time i would be able to buy from it.

i’m SIMPLY, saying this:
I PREFER this reward system because it is more rewarding when you ever got killstealed, because you then recieve 80% and not the bloody 40% as it was before, when 95% of the time the ennemy was UNABLE to fight back as they’re today.

on that point some says that current system broke what was previously done → ain’t this the purpose of a change?

saying that you change things without changing thing only is a PLACEBO,… and people that can’t deal with it have also multiple choices in their hands: Play / leave / complain

but in all the honor of those who complain and having rights to do so:

IF they can’t accept that people sees the “problem” differently, then you’re nothing else than a ranting player, using force and verb to impose your views.

and then : why would gaijin gives you credit for it? for being a cunt? this is WT Community, and not some EU political shit show about wokism, capiche?

i have my right to see things differently, as you have yours - both aren’t always incompatible.
but both of us have rights to speaks freely on this forum.

but you, and colleagues, acting as little childs crying on what they’re wanting don’t do you any favors.

Is that a sarcastic threat there?

Never doubted it. I’m glad you agree with me then.

First, if you kill your targets you won’t get them stolen. Then you are confusing severe damage to those times where you just critted a target and someone else “stole” you that kill, but the severe damage replaced many of the “old” kill conditions, so it replaced those situations where you would get the kill and the target would get a grey marker, not the ones where you could get the kill stolen. That is why it’s not a question of getting 80% instead of 40%(it was actually 67% like _Poul explained so many times) but more a question of getting 100%(plus the critical hit) instead of 80%.

The current system is meant to nerf score rewards as a whole. There are bad changes and good changes, and this one is bad in terms of score as a whole. When you have score based events it only serves to make them more time consuming on average.

The problem is when people don’t totally understand the change. We complain because we thought about it and understand that it is bad for the players as a whole. I, personally thanked Gaijin on my first post about it but then when I started to think more about it I got to the conclusion that it is a bad change and doesn’t solve neither kill stealling or being kill by “dead” planes(the difference is that they will have a red marker now). I rarely don’t finish my targets and it’s very common for me to get a high number of kills without any assist, so this won’t even change much for me, but I see this as a nerf to scores since the combined score rewards will be much lower(kill and assists on same target) for the whole team.

So when you call “spam” the extensive explanations of how this new system really works, is that you accepting different opinions?

I’ll skip the passive-agressive part…


You are being corrected because you are giving wrong information to other players. Like you said, how you feel. That is not doing the maths. In other words you are spamming fake news!


This. No matter how many times you guys explain it, some people just won’t get it. We have the example just above. Sadly, this ignorance about what is really happening is why the change has been broadly welcomed and we can expect no rollback any time soon.


I’m starting to feel sorry about _Poul, he explained this change so many times with so much detail, even with proper in game testing, and still I keep seeing players insisting on their misunderstanding of the change.
But where is Gaijin?


Since this recent update i am getting 1 hit notification in head-os, then i look bsck and see smoke coming out of the enemy, then some moments later they die. Funny things are happening, but gaijin being gaijin dont tell us eveything in updates especially stealth nerfs

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I literally got spammed about 3 times i fuess now, by a single person, the same exact message, because guess what i didn’t agree with you all,…

But hey,… i guess 3 times of pure copy paste is no spam after all,…

Skip that of cours,… you’ve been doing the same,…

After a few days with the new mechanic, its generally working fine for me - the only thing i really dislike is the mechanic that is writing you off on the end of the battle. There should be a mechanic to prevent this, if you are still able to fly after being “severly damaged”.

For example, if you survive 45-60sec after being severly damaged (or if you get within 2km of your airfield when the game ends), you cannot be written off. I got written off several times within 1km from the airfield, or while repairing on the airfield, which is really annoying.

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I hit the map wall yesturday and got destroyed after being damaged diving on ju88, my plane was still flying, the biggiest damage to my plane was the missing rudder


I’m sure now this guy is just trolling. He doesn’t even read anything, he just wants to attract attention. Of course, I’ve seen people like this a lot in the past on various forums. I suspect their problem is that no one cares about them in real life, so they desperately need someone to talk to them. And the easiest way that doesn’t require a high level of IQ is to start trolling. I had a feeling he might be trolling, especially so many people above me ignored this guy completely. I just realised this too late, like you said, I don’t have enough forum experience.

I don’t fully understand how the engine damage works. It’s definitely something that the devs touched between both systems. In the old system the only way to get a kill from an engine damage was by fire. And I never understood the rules we had here.

For example, the first old battle I checked had the situation, where I damaged the enemy engine (that damage started the fire) and the guy just instantly turned into destroyed, even though his pilot was still alive, I only damaged his engine:



You can look at this situation on this video (check 6:47):


So you could get a kill through the engine damage in the past. It just required the fire. Right now you don’t need the fire anymore.

But I still see strange situations in the new system, for example, why wasn’t this counted as severe damage:


I definitely destroyed his engine in this situation, it even says so on the right bottom part of the screen. But I only received a critical hit and an assist. This new system should give me a severe damage in this situation, but it didn’t.

I don’t fully understand all this, but yeah, there are situations that are not clear. I would love if the devs explained this new mechanics in details, with examples. I would also like to finally hear an explanation why most critical hits were removed from Air battles.


Sure,… not like i was saying this on my first post on this thread,…

You guys just don’t understand that i have the right to have different POV than you, and call me a troll to makes me appears as a fool,…

You guys are not even trying to debate,… but makes others with different PoV to be condamned by your bullshit,… have your fun, it still shows you’re not willing to have a debate.

So in your opinion if I keep spinning like that for 61 (or more) seconds, the person who damaged me shouldn’t be credited with the kill:


This is exactly the reason why the devs decided to kill all severely damaged planes at the end of the battle.

In the old system my plane would have been dead several times already. I’m only alive because the new severe damage mechanics replaced most old kill conditions. Previously, the guy who made such damage to me (almost whole my plane is black) would have already received a full kill credit and 100% score and rewards. In the new system he only got 80% of the score and rewards, but no kill credit (yet). My death is delayed with this new system.

If the devs didn’t kill my plane in this condition when the battle ends, you would see a lot of complains everywhere, because it would hurt many players. In my opinion crediting a player who caused this damage to me makes more sense than keeping me alive and denying that kill only thanks to this new severe damage mechanics. Keep in mind the new severe damage mechanics has only two kill conditions: killing the pilot or tearing off the tail. Every other damage can’t kill the plane anymore.


No, the timelimit is only one of many possible solutions, and i agree that it may not be the best, but getting into a certain range of the airfield (~2km) before the game ends would solve that problem. I am just sick getting written off while landing or even while repairing - in that case the enemy player wasnt good enough to bring my aircraft down.

I totally understand your point of view. The previous system had funny situations sometimes, where you could “die” and then still land and repair. It was possible the same way as severely damaged planes can now repair. In the old system that would be a kill credit for an attacker anyway, in the new system it’s not.

When I die due to severe damage, I look at this situation: “in the old system I would already be dead anyway, so I don’t really lose anything”. I see this new system as delayed death, so I’m never mad that I died because the battle ended.

But he did enough to take you out of the combat. I guess it all depends how you look at things. In my opinion that person did enough to get a kill credit, but that’s just my opinion of course.

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It’s not cause you don’t agree with others, anyone is free to disagree, it’s cause you are doing the wrong comparison when you say that you prefer to receive 80% instead of 40%, when what you do for those 80% would give you 100%(plus the crit) before, and with that you are spreading misinformation about how this change works. If you just crit a target now, you’ll get the same assist in the end as before when someone else finishes it. The severe damage basically replaced those kills where the marker stayed grey for a few seconds, the difference is that now it stays red until it really dies. Maybe that is where your confusion comes from, seeing a red marker target that you shoot before getting killed gives you 80% of a kill instead of a kill assist, but in the “old” system that would be a kill with 100% score reward.


This is nothing new - at least in Air RB if you refer to an Air RB match. As soon as your plane got critted you are unable to use the map border as you will be killed instantly and the kill will be assigned to the guy which produced the damage.

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I mean your argument makes sense from your pov - especially in such cases - but from my perspective you might acknowledge that there are a lot of grey areas by looking at this point.

This declaring as death is simply not considering that there are cases which debunk this function as pure nonsense.

In Air RB it happens frequently that you play 1 vs 1 as last players of both teams. No matter if you intercept a high bomber (or being the bomber itself) - you might take calculated risks. So if i kill the last guy i won the match, it doesn’t matter if my only engine was shot out in this process.

Same as landing with a dead engine - experienced pilots are able to nurse their planes back to an airfield - it makes zero sense to declare them as dead.

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