Responding to issues regarding dev server reports & an update on spall lining armor from the developers

Will Challenger 3 Technology Demonstrator get the round it only ever fired from it’s L55A1 gun which is DM63A1 ?? It never fired DM53 in any of it’s trails only DM63A1. There are a few videos out there of the Challenger 3 Technology Demonstrator test firing it’s L55A1 and they load the gun with DM63A1 not DM53. There is no evidence out there to prove it ever fired DM53 only DM63A1, so it should have DM53 removed and replaced with DM63A1 !!


How does this only get added now once the russian tanks get it?
Why would Nato tanks not get this beforehand it is as if you only consider it once russia gets it.


So not a single other tank getting spall liners without documents presented by the country leader themself and 11 signs confirming it is not fake like JP vehicles are treated?

Abrams series MBTs use a higher standard of manufacturing so the Kevlar liner is embedded into the wall and isnt just a thick blanket held up by velcro



Exactly. Your comment should be top voted here

Why do Russian tanks to this day have the “no spalling” modifier to their ammo carousels? Like honestly, what is up with that?

Also your moderators on the bug report site are refusing to forward the weapon selector bug, calling it too “not a bug”. It absolutely is. Now with Su-27 and such it is great time to make it so that stock missiles aren’t treated as different pylons in weapon selector.


It’s behind a rubberized metal plate. Because the engineers actually put forethought into including in into western tanks instead of slapping it on as an afterthought in later modifications.


To be fair, even on EC maps, people just fly to the middle and furrball. It gives the impression most players prefer dogfights over BVR combat. WT is still an arcade game with somewhat more realistic flight and damage models, if you want to simulate realistic settings, you should look at DCS. WT caters to somewhat of a middleground between DCS and Ace Combat/World of Warplanes.

Also, not to forget that most 11.3-11.7 planes simply can’t compete with 12.0-12.3 planes in BVR, while in knife fights with several planes involved, they can still third party just fine. And 11.X planes still make up the majority of most toptier lobbies. If you’d want to decompress this, you’d have to actually put a BR hole in there and make a hard cut between 11.7 and 12.0, which would make the variety of planes you fight drop off hard, and the matchmaking would take alot longer.

climbing is still very effective if you circle around low and then climb behind the enemy team, surprising them from above and behind. Just not right off the airfield like a prop, as the enemy radars are still pointing your way there.

It caters to dogfights. If you don’t like modern jet dogfights, that’s fine, but that’s a you problem. Again, DCS has BVR combat for you if you’d rather do that.

Lastly I’d like to add, if WT was just the kind of fights that “america planes was built for”, they’d have an unfair advantage and make it unfun for anyone else. In the current dogfights setup, most planes can compete.

I’m not going to mention anything else here, but why model aramid spall liners to be destructible? when shot the only area impacted by the shot will be the area immediately around the impact point? Unless you are planning to have each section be like 3 inches across for the whole crew compartment it would be more efficient to model it as one big piece that doesnt get destroyed.

I don’t understand why the dev server doesn’t just work like LoL does it. It makes 0 sense that the dev server is only open for little time and that from gaijins side not finished vehicles are on it. The dev server should just run all the time and only get updated with vehicles that gaijin would consider to be able to go live. That way people could actually find bugs before everything goes live

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Will Sweden get the jas39c this update or are UK/SA the only one to get this swedish fighter as i have used hmd and its really nice to have and improves alot.

No next major

Nope. Sweden gets the JAS39A only. People asked why the country that made it wasn’t getting it, and Gaijin’s response was “We have heard your feedback on it and have decided not to do anything”.

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Thats just weird of them since sweden also uses it

dont get me wrong the jas39a is a amzing plane if it stays like it is now. but hmd is always nice to have and just feels weird to play without it now that i have played alot with it

Fair chance of getting its flight model nerfed. Apparently its current state in the Dev server is far more maneuverable than it’s supposed to be.

and there we go its probably gonna have no chance against other planes if it gets nerfed

the engine is already pretty weak

That debatable people under estimate the Gripen