Responding to issues regarding dev server reports 13.12.2023


I really appreciate the improved communication, don’t get me wrong it’s awesome.

But can we expect any fixes/buffs to the SEPv2 after release announced in said seperate devblog about the LFP improvements, or is it just going to be a “we are keeping the SEPv2 as it is because screw any MBTs that aren’t Russian and Swedish” devblog?


well, in the current update every nato tank is still f----d. I doubt it is going to be implemented at all, or they would have said something like " don’t worry it will change"


As we said yesterday, the developers are still reviewing armour and protection reports.


Like how they checked Leopard2A7V or Leclerc series or new Strv122B+,VT-4 and Challenger 3?

Every single Nato tank and Chinese one are butchered while T-90M somehow gets its accurate or overperfoming armor.

İs this how Gaijin treats to its community? By simply ignoring them and doin whatever they want?

Have they learned nothing from this?


Please see the developers response yesterday. Nothing is being ignored and we are working through the reports to answer them. There is no possible way they were all going to be resolved an answered within one day.


This should have been done before the release of the update. The dev server showed us that many things were still not fixed and corrected. The release should at least have been pushed back to another week and with another dev server during this week. It is very clear that this update was not ready to be released today.

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Then why did they decided to release this uptade despite most of the new additions wasnt ready?

İnstead of finishing and releasing proper uptade they decided to rush it and made community so pissed.

The CR3 is a new vehicle which was meant to have armour values copied from the other CR2s. Yet somehow this new vehicle has made it to the live version of the game with 100mm less protection?


I don’t really understand how GJN can make these kinds of mistakes unless it is intentional.


Why was this update released at all this week when all of the NATO vehicles are not getting what they should get and thus making them artificially weaker to the OP t90m?!?I doubt we will ever see this situation the other way around.Soviet vehicles get released always either on point or OP but never in the lacking state NATO vehicles do.We all know by this point that this company is biased but you dont even try to hide it anymore it seems.Are the devs being held at gun point by someone from the MoD so that russian crap is always the best?

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check this

sorry to ping but @Smin1080p is there any excuse that VT4A1’s armor was been buffed from DEV to MBT2000’s level?

I was looking forward to this update, I really was…

Instead I came across:

-Challenger 3 having 100+mm less KE on the turret cheeks than Challenger 2 despite being the same composition except even more angled.

-No Challenger 2/3 armor corrections.

-2019 Leopard 2A7V still having worse hull armor than 1997 Strv 122.

-M1A2 SEP and SEPv2 still having the export Swedish trials M1A2 armor (including 1979’s M1 hull).

-No Leclerc armor, rate of fire or shell fixes, changes or spall liners.

-No Merkava Mk.4 armor fixes spall liners.


Dont forget they didnt give spall liners to Merkava4’s,Leclerc’s and Abrams while ignoring other bug reports.

But hey we got T-90M so we should be fine right?


Sadly it has to be said. Rushed update


The major update has never brought me such a profound sense of disappointment before.
If you’re not ready, then why release it?
Christmas is still two weeks away, isn’t there still time?


Rushed? That’s a massive understatement. Every single NATO vehicle is broken and most likely will be left in this broken, nerfed to the ground state


And here i thought my only reason to be angry was to getting Gripen A into Swedish tree.

Oh boy i was so naive, Gaijin always finds a new ways to piss this community even more.

oh no my tank only has 700 mm of armor 😭😭


*640, we can get penned frontally by dm53 from 500 meters

it got even heavier right?
