I think spall liners are offline in Leopards. I simply can’t see any difference in armor viewer.
For what i have seen the spall liners on the front of the hull work, while the ones of the side don’t. Maybe There Is something clipping inside of them
Yes the side ones spall somehow. They’re either off or bugged.
Unfortunately a good 70% of the player base are horrifically bad which is why they clapped and cheered when these module additions slowly started getting traction, not thinking of the greater ramifications it would have for overall gameplay
Why did this come to the game…
With the asinine amount of spalling, it doesn’t matter if the round goes through the turret ring and bottom plate. The whole turret becomes inoperable. Why? Why did the Abrams need this? By the looks of it, it doesn’t even look like they bothered to fix the model like they said they were going to before it came to the Live server. You hit that support strut? Dead turret.
They also removed the breech armor that was added in the last dev server from the Abrams, but still have the rounded edges where it should be modeled on the inner cheek armor. Cannot believe this went live
Guess they decided they didn’t like it eating the spall. I don’t mind them removing it from adding a longer repair time though. That being said. I am finding the turret basket is producing godly amounts of shrapnel on the both on anything they gave a turret basket to. Right now if you shoot center mass and don’t one shot it. you probably got Gaijined.
But yet, all the countless hours people have put in doing GAIJINS job in reporting inaccuracies and changes that didn’t even involve talking about DU are not taken seriously when these kind of things are implemented. It’s a slap in the face to people that actually care.
I don’t know man. Either the devs don’t play their own game, the community managers didn’t do their job, or balance isn’t on the table when decisions like this one are made. There’s just no way a developer and project lead/manager said “We need to make the worst performing tank worse. Let’s give it a module that even Abrams tankers say does not impact turret traversal when damaged. That should do it.”
You just know that any post update release feedback is going straight into the shredder at this point.
Both ?
Both Is good
Joke aside i really can’t understand Gaijin logic
It’s not the history of War Thunder updates, it’s the stupidest and worst patch in the history of the game industry.
I guarantee you, Gaijin made the worst decision.
I still can’t cope with these baskets, its a fundamental nerf. I just hope they won’t model this for other tanks. Imagine WW2 tanks get this as well, while russian T-34 etc didn’t have that.
Irl its a good thing, cause it prevents horrible injuries among the turret crew and makes it alot easier for the loader to reload the gun when the turret traverses. Ingame however, all this is not modeled and having a basket is a plain super nerf.
Only the ring and the floor are part of the damage model
More detailed damage models for thee but not for me…
What you are missing is that any spall hits the ring or floor, and any hit to the other parts of the basket generate even more spall
There aren’t other parts in the damage model than the floor and ring
Hit center mass on the Abrams and tell me where the spall goes, hit below or above the floor or ring, tell me what happens in game.
I hate the fact that they make the sound worse with every updates lol I use Yamaha e700 I don’t think anyone had any idea how bad the current sound is compared to two years ago.
Idk what test you are doing but I tried hitting the top right of the third road wheel:
sometimes hits one crew member and slightly rarer it kills them
Challenger 3 for comparison:
Kills at least one crew member hitting a second sometimes killing them.
Basket didnt seem to make that much more spall to make a difference with crew locations being a greater deciding factor.
Doesn’t appear to be the case for the Abrams.