Responding To Dev Server Feedback Regarding Turret Baskets

Yeh… It’s hanging from the turret.

If you think a mangled aluminium basket is going to stop a turret motor swinging a 15ton turret around you couldn’t be more wrong lol. It’s literally just hanging from the turret, there’s no 2nd turret ring.


So where do we need to share the videos of Russian/Soviet MBTs getting their ammo carousels hit and subsequently popping their turret so we can address an autoloader packed with power to actually detonate instead of just eating the round and blacking out the module? You know, since we want to be accurate. Here? Community manager DMs? Bug reports? Theres a wide spread there since its been an issue since implementation (what, 50 years or so?) of the autoloader and theres an imbalance in the game.


It’s going to stop the turret because a gunner isn’t going to risk their femoral artery being slashed open just to force a turret rotation, and I do mean force. Cause it will supply resistance to the rotation.

Why are you trying to buff Russian tanks?
Why do you care that Soviet/Russian tanks pop off in-game with the slightest ammo hit?

Turning side on and giving him a straight shot trough your weakest armour into your ammo carousel. I mean sure you got screwed on your shot, but you just asked to die by turning side on, you might have gotten a 2nd shot if you didn’t dumb that up.

@Smin1080p_WT so your guys decision is basically “we saw that a vast majority of people voted against the implementation of the turret basket, but weve decided to do it anyway”

The basket, even with reduced damage model (i.e. without the side struts) is still absolutely massive. It rewards poorly aimed shots. Shots that would normally atmost kill one crewmember or wouldnt do any real damage due to bad aim, now get rewarded by crippling the enemy tank to the point its essentially dead.

If you want to release this new feature, then why in gods name would you do it in parts instead of all at once where no additional tanks get any advantage. Right now you have artificially nerfed two tank families across 5 nations (Germany, USA, Sweden, France (NL) and Italy (HU)) for no particular reason.

It is literally the same thing as with helicopters, you guys are literally just repeating history. You made Apaches and Ka52 more accurate with the extended damage models but you forgot Ka50 for such a long time, giving it unfair advantage over the other helicopter.
Its the same situation.

If you want to release more detailed tank models then dont release them one or two at a time but release most if not all at once

And while were at that point, i personally believe these should simply not be added at all. Just like with spall liners they will affect the game in a negative way.
Spall liners increased the survivability of tanks by a massive amount, this is the exact opposite, itll reduce survivability (for select few) by a massive amount. Its a gigantic circular plate on the bottom of the hull that will get damaged even by shots that wouldnt or shouldnt normally result in critical damage. (You guys are still making a game, not a simulator. WT doesnt have to simulate absolutely every single inner module when its harmful to the gameplay you guys have created)
A middile ground would be that the destruction of basket would still allow the turret to turn, be it at reduced rate, but in all honesty this basket module should simply not be added.

It makes me wonder if the people that come up with these ideas and decisions even play the game at these respective BRs or they just decide to do so based on the superposition of planetary vessels.

And additionally what is the point of feedback for the dev server when the devs end up doing it anyway. At that point why even bother setting up a feedback category for the forums.


Wow great argument… Lmafo. Let ne put it to you like this then, what’s a more realistic scenario you should find in game. 1 cv90 40mm dart hits and abrams side of and hit the turret floor and he looses drive (stupid imo) 2. The 40mm dart passes through the side and knocks out the hydraulic lines and drive components and they lose turret drive. (the floor not being modelled)?


You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink it. There are years worth of effort to get the model fixed that Gaijin just ignores out of what can only be a bias at this point. But hey, if changing something can nerf the Abrams, then no expense is sparred.


I just want it to make sense.


If we cared about that, every penetrating hit should insta kill a tank. Or every destroyed track or engine, or or or

Some degree of realism is ignored for gameplays sake


And this doesnt. It’s an unnecessary nerf. Full stop.


Thank you for the feedback @Smin1080p_WT Much appreciated…

There is nothing bad in complains (of course best, if such complains provide some constructive arguments), but please:

  • read the article before you post
  • please do not swear


There’s plenty of light vehicles that should’ve had it modelled first that’s true.

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People didn’t vote against the damage models, they voted against an x-ray that was incorrectly called a damage model.

IRL rewards poorly aimed shots; as I’ve been saying for years at this point, realistic battles should force the gunner optics in battle instead of allowing barrel aiming.

This would end ALL pixel shooting instantly and make ALL vehicles more survivable.

Why does Ka-50 getting its modules mean anything?
And why does NATO tanks getting their modules after Soviets mean anything?

Please read the article in full. It’s explained in detail:


CMs aren’t here to collect feedback nor do they (or devs) listen to it. That much has been proven over the last couple of years.


To be fair, the 2A7s / 122s needed a nerf in some way.
They are definitely still the best MBTs at top tier at the moment, and probably will still be with these changes.
But I agree that it should come out all at once, instead of nerfing just the Abrams and Leos (especially the 2A5 / 2A6) for no particular reason (though it is true that after all MBTs get this change, they still will definitely be more so affected by this than Eastern MBTs, which honestly isn’t that bad of an idea).


We very much are. That’s exactly why this post exists, as the developers have seen the feedback from across the whole community.

Because something may not have come in the exact way you may have wished it, does not mean all feedback has not been seen and heard.


And it’s barely a nerf, cause if you make a shot that can hit the lower plate, you’ve fragged 2 - 3 crew members with that shot on live server now.

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So you saw players were against it, and…choose to go full steam ahead anyways? I wouldn’t call that listening.