Responding To Dev Server Feedback Regarding Turret Baskets

So if I’m understanding this correctly the turret ring, motor and basket floor will be the only parts affecting the damage model, the actual components within the basket are only going to be aesthetic and not take damage? I would’ve thought it would’ve been the other way around, only the turret ring and drive components would affect the horizontal drive. Provided I’ve understood correctly?


By the way, regarding the modules, any plans for some others, like the light tank WMA301 and PTL02, some of which is known for being highly tanky against kinetic rounds.


So you guys saw the reports where people pointed out the turret ring was too easily damaged in the Abrams, a known issue for a while, and the executive decision was to make the situation worse? That was the call? So you won’t give it the M829A3 round, you used the wrong model for the KVT, you won’t give it DU armor inserts you know it got (not to mention the several tons of added weight that goes unaccounted), and now this? You guys can just say you don’t like Abrams tanks. Its more than obvious.


That’s correct. Some elements inside will not be part of the damage model:

" The turret baskets in the X-ray and in the Damage Model are different. Their DM is smaller than their X-ray representation, as X-ray baskets have fine details, like mesh and some purely structural struts which are not present in the actual Damage Model. On the dev server, we modelled several electrical parts in the basket as part of the damage model. However since then, we’ve removed most of them and now only the turret basket floor will be part of the horizontal aiming drive (see below). "


As we mentioned in the main post, more tanks are indeed planned.


Suggestion: if a turret basket is damaged, have it slowly damage the turret ring with use, similar to a damaged radiator and engine.


doing everything right, mhh like shooting a T90M side and the dart gets entirely swallowed by its side ERA that has what 200mm of KE protection? It’s really interesting how Gaijin comes out talking about gameplay but adds the most frustrating things imaginable to the game t90ms “external” front fuel tanks, spall liners. Would u think about getting rid of those as they punish the player doing everything right and thats clearly a big concern for Gaijin. And lastly if you want to add something like turret basekt do it for all tanks at once next patch i can still drive out in reverse in a Merkava mk4 and the guy aiming for my ammo which wont be there will just void.


So obviously this is a good change as you say it reduces that frustration of first hit but essentially having that no armour best armour moment where basically no damage is done when irl normally the first accurate shot should govern the battle… However do you think it would be better to ask the community whether they’d prefer it to be implemented as you have explained Turret ring, motor and basket floor as the damage model or Turret ring, motor and drive components because personally i can’t see how the hanging floor would impact the rotation, but damaging actual drive components would make more sense. I think what people are most concerned about is on the dev server it appears the devs have modelled literally EVERYTHING floor, walls, motor, components the kitchen sink everything becoming part of the drive. I don’t believe people are completely against this change… Just how it’s realistically implemented… Similarly to autoloaders.


No. People are upset because its a nerf neither tank needed. You can cough in the general direct of an Abrams and disable its turret ring.


Nah you actually do need to aim a bit

Well that’s a modelling error that still needs to be addressed, there’s bug reports already accepted for this kind of thing, realistically there should be more pressure from the community to have that issue addressed if gaijin are set on modelling tanks in even more detail.


Happy to see a change. I’m curious about what led the developers to choose such a large turret drive in the first place. However, it’s good to see that Gaijin listens to the community—at least when there is enough uproar.

And why is the basket floor included as part of the rotation mechanism now? It’s clearly made of very thin metal that can be easily bent back into shape if the turret needs to move.

Examples of the thin basket floor




Bullet hole in the basket floor that disable turret rotation - so real and historical


Maybe we need a mode in x-ray that shows the damage model of things.
This section alleviates all of my problems personally; for those that don’t read this topic they should have something in-game that they can see.


The problem is you(devs) did everything wrong.
You placed modern MBTs in suicide conditions on small maps.
MBTs armor is just not working on small maps.
One hit with 25-30mm gun and you are disabled, elevation and traverse drive broken, gun jammed…great tank repair simulator.
tanks aren’t created to fight in closed quarters infantry maps.

Give us a bigger maps where our armor will work!


Cause people thought they were voting on the damage model, not the visual-only x-ray model.
Voting on incomplete information is dumb.

“Will you vote yes on fixing agricultural land!”

After everyone votes yes, the agricultural land is burned, air quality reduces for weeks…

If you somehow hit that, which is just a 2nd turret ring at the bottom, then yeah that’ll stop turret rotation IRL.
It’s barely a nerf, and an accurate change.

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That’s not a 2nd turret ring dude, it’s a hanging basket, it has no baring on the drive ring.


I know but it’s too easy right now.

It’s a second ring. Your loader has to stand on something


If that part gets damaged in a real tank, that WILL stop turret rotation as it will catch on something.

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